March 10, 2021


SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___1__ to HOUSE BILL 43, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Senator Harold Pope

    1. On page 2, line 17, after "including", strike the remainder of the line, strike all of lines 18 through 20, strike line 21 through the period and insert in lieu thereof a colon and the following:

             "(1) three current teachers or school administrators of public schools;

             (2) three current teachers or school administrators of charter schools;

             (3) two representatives of post-secondary education, including one representative of teacher preparation programs, appointed in collaboration with the higher education department;

             (4) three parents of currently enrolled students in public schools, appointed in collaboration with the office on African American affairs;

             (5) three students currently attending a public secondary school, appointed in collaboration with the office on African American affairs;

             (6) one representative of the higher education department;

             (7) one representative of the office on African American affairs;

             (8) one representative of the developmental disabilities planning council; and

             (9) representatives of Black cultural, community and business organizations, other community and business organizations and other interested persons.


    2. Reletter the succeeding subsections accordingly.

    3. On page 3, line 3, after "council", insert "who are not paid with public money".

    4. On page 3, line 25, strike "commission" and insert in lieu thereof "council".

    5. On page 4, line 10, after the subparagraph designation "(a)", strike the remainder of the line, strike line 11 through "hotlines" and insert in lieu thereof "subject to funding, links to

a statewide hotline".

    6. On page 4, line 21, strike the second occurrence of "and".

    7. On page 4, line 25, strike the period and closing quotation mark and insert in lieu thereof "; and" and after line 25, insert:

             "(8) implement activities that are recommended and prioritized by the council within available funding."".

    8. On page 5, line 23, after "in", insert "New Mexico,".

    9. On page 5, line 23, after "America", insert "and the world".

    10. On page 6, line 21, strike "commission" and insert in lieu thereof "council".

    11. On page 7, strike Subsection B in its entirety and insert in lieu thereof:

         "B. In addition to the data required pursuant to Section 22-2C-11 NMSA 1978, the status report for public schools shall highlight Black student data and include:

             (1) ethnicity by grade by school;

             (2) the number and type of bilingual and multicultural programs in each school district and charter school;

             (3) student achievement by ethnicity at all grades measured by a statewide test or other measure of proficiency approved by the department;

             (4) attendance and truancy for all grades by ethnicity;

             (5) diploma seals and distinctions earned by ethnicity; and

             (6) licensed school employees by ethnicity by school.".

    12. On page 10, line 1, strike "have a" and insert in lieu thereof "provide links to the statewide".

    13. On page 11, line 20, after "online", insert "or in-person".


                                    Harold Pope

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________