56th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2023


Gay G. Kernan










     SECTION 1. Section 13-1-150 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1984, Chapter 65, Section 123, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. A multi-term contract for items of tangible personal property, construction or services except for professional services, in an amount under twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), may be entered into for any period of time deemed to be in the best interests of the state agency or a local public body not to exceed four years; provided that the term of the contract and conditions of renewal or extension, if any, are included in the specifications and funds are available for the first fiscal period at the time of contracting. If the amount of the contract is twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or more, the term shall not exceed ten years, including all extensions and renewals, except that for a contract entered into pursuant to the Public Facility Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation Act, the term shall not exceed twenty-five years, including all extensions and renewals. Payment and performance obligations for succeeding fiscal periods shall be subject to the availability and appropriation of funds therefor.

          B. A contract for professional services may not exceed four years, including all extensions and renewals, except for the following:

                (1) services required to support or operate federally certified medicaid, financial assistance and child support enforcement management information or payment systems;

                (2) services to design, develop or implement the taxation and revenue information management systems project authorized by Laws 1997, Chapter 125;

                (3) a multi-term contract for the services of trustees, escrow agents, registrars, paying agents, letter of credit issuers and other forms of credit enhancement and other similar services, excluding bond attorneys, underwriters and financial advisors with regard to the issuance, sale and delivery of public securities, may be for the life of the securities or as long as the securities remain outstanding;

                (4) services relating to the implementation, operation and administration of the Education Trust Act;

                (5) services relating to measurement and verification of conservation-related cost savings and utility cost savings pursuant to the Public Facility Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation Act; [and]

                (6) services relating to the design and engineering of a state public works project:

                     (a) for a period not to exceed the requisite time for project completion and a subsequent warranty period; and

                     (b) upon approval of the secretary of finance and administration; and

                (7) services required to design, develop, implement or operate the pension administration system of the educational retirement board."

     SECTION 2. Section 22-11-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, Chapter 16, Section 126, as amended) is amended to read:

     "22-11-2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Educational Retirement Act:

          A. "member" means an employee, except for a participant or a retired member, coming within the provisions of the Educational Retirement Act;

          B. "regular member" means:

                (1) a person regularly employed by a state educational institution, except for:

                     (a) a participant; or

                     (b) all employees of a general hospital or outpatient clinics thereof operated by a state educational institution named in Article 12, Section 11 of the constitution of New Mexico;

                (2) a person regularly employed by a junior college or community college created pursuant to Chapter 21, Article 13 NMSA 1978, except for a participant;

                (3) a person regularly employed by a technical and vocational institute created pursuant to the Technical and Vocational Institute Act, except for a participant;

                (4) a person regularly employed by the

New Mexico boys' school, the girls' welfare home, the Los Lunas medical center or a school district or as a licensed school employee of a state institution or agency providing an educational program and holding a license issued by the department, except for a participant;

                (5) a person regularly employed by the department holding a license issued by the department at the time of commencement of such employment;

                (6) a member classified as a regular member in accordance with the rules of the board;

                (7) a person regularly employed by the New Mexico activities association holding a license issued by the department at the time of commencement of such employment; or

                (8) a person regularly employed by a regional education cooperative holding a license issued by the department at the time of commencement of such employment;

          C. "provisional member" means a person described in Section 22-11-17 NMSA 1978;

          D. "local administrative unit" means an employing agency however constituted that is directly responsible for the payment of compensation for the employment of members or participants;

          E. "beneficiary" means a person having an insurable interest in the life of a member or a participant designated by written instrument duly executed by the member or participant and filed with the director to receive a benefit pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act that may be received by someone other than the member or participant;

          F. "employment" means employment by a local administrative unit that qualifies a person to be a member or participant;

          G. "service employment" means employment that qualifies a person to be a regular member;

          H. "provisional service employment" means employment that qualifies a person to be a provisional member;

          I. "prior employment" means employment performed prior to the effective date of the Educational Retirement Act that would be service employment or provisional service employment if performed thereafter;

          J. "service credit" means that period of time with which a member is accredited for the purpose of determining the member's eligibility for and computation of retirement or disability benefits;

          K. "earned service credit" means that period of time during which a member was engaged in employment or prior employment with which the member is accredited for the purpose of determining the member's eligibility for retirement or disability benefits;

          L. "allowed service credit" means that period of time during which a member has performed certain nonservice employment with which the member may be accredited, as provided in the Educational Retirement Act, for the purpose of computing retirement or disability benefits;

          M. "retirement benefit" means an annuity paid monthly to members whose employment has been terminated by reason of their age;

          N. "disability benefit" means an annuity paid monthly to members whose employment has been terminated by reason of a disability;

          O. "board" means the educational retirement board;

          P. "fund" means the educational retirement fund;

          Q. "director" means the educational retirement director;

          R. "medical authority" means a medical doctor or medical review panel designated or employed by the board to examine medical records and report on the medical condition of applicants for or recipients of disability benefits;

          S. "actuary" means a person trained and regularly engaged in the occupation of calculating present and projected monetary assets and liabilities under annuity or insurance programs;

          T. "actuarial equivalent" means a sum paid as a current or deferred benefit that is equal in value to a regular benefit, computed upon the basis of interest rates and mortality tables;

          U. "contributory employment" means employment for which contributions have been made by both a member and a local administrative unit pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act;

          V. "qualifying state educational institution" means the university of New Mexico, New Mexico state university, New Mexico institute of mining and technology, New Mexico highlands university, eastern New Mexico university, western New Mexico university, central New Mexico community college, Clovis community college, Luna community college, Mesalands community college, New Mexico junior college, northern New Mexico [state school] college, San Juan college, [and] Santa Fe community college and southeast New Mexico college;

          W. "participant" means:

                (1) a person regularly employed as a faculty or professional employee of the university of New Mexico, New Mexico state university, New Mexico institute of mining and technology, New Mexico highlands university, eastern New Mexico university or western New Mexico university who first becomes employed with such an educational institution on or after July 1, 1991, or a person regularly employed as a faculty or professional employee of the central New Mexico community college, Clovis community college, Luna community college, Mesalands community college, New Mexico junior college, northern New Mexico [state school] college, San Juan college or Santa Fe community college who is first employed by the institution on or after July 1, 1999, or a person regularly employed as a faculty or professional employee of southeast New Mexico college who is first employed by the institution on or after July 1, 2023, and who elects, pursuant to Section 22-11-47 NMSA 1978, to participate in the alternative retirement plan; and

                (2) a person regularly employed who performs research or other services pursuant to a contract between a qualifying state educational institution and the United States government or any of its agencies who elects, pursuant to Section 22-11-47 NMSA 1978, to participate in the alternative retirement plan; provided that the research or other services are performed outside the state;

          X. "salary" means the compensation or wages paid to a member or participant by any local administrative unit for services rendered. "Salary" includes payments made for annual or sick leave and payments for additional service provided to related activities, but does not include payments for sick leave not taken unless the payment for the unused sick leave is made through continuation of the member on the regular payroll for the period represented by that payment and does not include allowances or reimbursements for travel, housing, food, equipment or similar items;

          Y. "alternative retirement plan" means the retirement plan provided for in Sections 22-11-47 through 22-11-52 NMSA 1978; and

          Z. "retired member" means a person whose employment has been terminated by reason of age and who is receiving or is eligible to receive retirement benefits."

     SECTION 3. Section 22-11-30 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, Chapter 16, Section 153, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. Retirement benefits for a member retired pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act on or before June 30, 1967 shall be paid monthly and shall be one-twelfth of a sum equal to one and one-half percent of the first four thousand dollars ($4,000) of the member's average annual salary and one percent of the remainder of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the number of years of the member's total service credit.

          B. Retirement benefits for a member retired pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act on or after July 1, 1967 but on or before June 30, 1971 shall be paid monthly and shall be one-twelfth of a sum equal to one and one-half percent of the first six thousand six hundred dollars ($6,600) of the member's average annual salary and one percent of the remainder of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the number of years of the member's total service credit.

          C. Retirement benefits for a member retired pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act on or after July 1, 1971 but on or before June 30, 1974 shall be paid monthly and shall be one-twelfth of a sum equal to one and one-half percent of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the number of years of the member's total service credit.

          D. Retirement benefits for a member retired pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act on or before June 30, 1974 but returning to employment on or after July 1, 1974 for a cumulation of one or more years shall be computed pursuant to Subsection E of this section. Retirement benefits for a member retired pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act on or before June 30, 1974 but returning to employment on or after July 1, 1974 for a cumulation of less than one year shall be computed pursuant to Subsection A of this section if the member's date of last retirement was on or before June 30, 1967 or pursuant to Subsection B of this section if the member's date of last retirement was on or after July 1, 1967 but not later than June 30, 1971 or pursuant to Subsection C of this section if the member's date of last retirement was on or after July 1, 1971 but not later than June 30, 1974.

          E. Retirement benefits for a member age sixty or over, retired pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act on or after July 1, 1974 but not later than June 30, 1987, shall be paid monthly and shall be one-twelfth of a sum equal to:

                (1) one and one-half percent of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the number of years of service credit for:

                     (a) prior employment; and

                     (b) allowed service credit for service performed prior to July 1, 1957, except United States military service credit purchased pursuant to Paragraph (3) of Subsection A of Section 22-11-34 NMSA 1978; plus

                (2) two percent of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the number of years of service credit for:

                     (a) contributory employment;

                     (b) allowed service credit for service performed after July 1, 1957; and

                     (c) United States military service credit for service performed prior to July 1, 1957 and purchased pursuant to Paragraph (3) of Subsection A of Section 22-11-34 NMSA 1978.

          F. Retirement benefits for a member age sixty or over, retired pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act on or after July 1, 1987 but not later than June 30, 1991, shall be paid monthly and shall be one-twelfth of a sum equal to two and fifteen-hundredths percent of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the number of years of the member's total service credit; provided that this subsection shall not apply to any member who was retired in any of the four quarters ending on June 30, 1987 without having accumulated not less than 1.0 years earned service credit after June 30, 1987.

          G. Retirement benefits for a member who retires pursuant to Section 22-11-23 NMSA 1978 on or after July 1, 1991 shall be paid monthly and shall be one-twelfth of a sum equal to two and thirty-five hundredths percent of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the number of years of the member's total service credit; provided that:

                (1) the benefit for a member who retires pursuant to Paragraph (3) of Subsection A of Section 22-11-23 NMSA 1978 shall be reduced by:

                     (a) six-tenths percent for each one-fourth, or portion thereof, year that retirement occurs prior to the member attaining the age of sixty years but after the member attains the age of fifty-five years; and

                     (b) one and eight-tenths percent for each one-fourth, or portion thereof, year that retirement occurs prior to the member attaining the age of fifty-five years;

                (2) the benefit formula provided in this subsection shall not apply to any member who was retired in any of the four consecutive quarters ending on June 30, 1991 without having accumulated at least one year of earned service credit beginning on or after July 1, 1991; and

                (3) a member shall be subject to the provisions of Paragraph (1) of this subsection as they existed at the beginning of the member's last cumulated four quarters of earned service credit, regardless of later amendment.

          H. Retirement benefits for a member who retires pursuant to Section 22-11-23.1 NMSA 1978 shall be paid monthly and shall be one-twelfth of a sum equal to two and thirty-five hundredths percent of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the number of years of the member's total service credit; provided that:

                (1) the benefit for a member who retires pursuant to Paragraph (3) of Subsection A of Section 22-11-23.1 NMSA 1978 shall be reduced by:

                     (a) six-tenths percent for each one-fourth, or portion thereof, year that retirement occurs prior to the member attaining the age of sixty-five years but after the member attains the age of sixty years; and

                     (b) one and eight-tenths percent for each one-fourth, or portion thereof, year that retirement occurs prior to the member attaining the age of sixty years; and

                (2) a member shall be subject to the provisions of Paragraph (1) of this subsection as they existed at the beginning of the member's last cumulated four quarters of earned service credit, regardless of later amendment.

          I. Retirement benefits for a member who retires pursuant to Section 22-11-23.2 NMSA 1978 shall be paid monthly and shall be one-twelfth of a sum equal to two and thirty-five hundredths percent of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the number of years of the member's total service credit; provided that:

                (1) the benefit for a member retiring pursuant to Paragraph (3) of Subsection A of Section 22-11-23.2 NMSA 1978 shall be reduced by:

                     (a) six-tenths percent for each one-fourth, or portion thereof, year that retirement occurs prior to the member attaining the age of sixty-five years but after the member attains the age of sixty years; and

                     (b) one and eight-tenths percent for each one-fourth, or portion thereof, year that retirement occurs prior to the member attaining the age of sixty years; and

                (2) a member shall be subject to the provisions of Paragraph (1) of this subsection as they existed at the beginning of the member's last cumulated four quarters of earned service credit, regardless of later amendment.

          J. Retirement benefits for a member who retires in accordance with Section 22-11-23.3 NMSA 1978 shall be paid monthly and:

                (1) in an amount equal to one-twelfth of the sum of the following:

                     (a) for the first ten years of the member's service credit, one and thirty-five hundredths percent of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the member's years of service credit between one-fourth of a year and ten years;

                     (b) for that portion of the member's service credit earned after ten years of service credit and through twenty years of service credit, two and thirty-five hundredths percent of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the member's years of service credit between ten and twenty years;

                     (c) for that portion of the member's service credit earned after twenty years of service credit and through thirty years of service credit, three and thirty-five hundredths percent of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the member's years of service credit between twenty and thirty years; and

                     (d) for that portion of the member's service credit earned after thirty years of service credit, two and four-tenths percent of the member's average annual salary multiplied by the member's years of service credit over thirty years; or

                (2) if the member retires in accordance with:

                     (a) Subsection A of Section 22-11-23.3 NMSA 1978 and is under fifty-eight years of age, in an amount equal to the result determined under Paragraph (1) of this subsection, but reduced to the actuarial equivalent, based on what is at the time of the member's retirement the most current set of actuarial factors determined by the board, of the benefit the member would receive if the member had retired at fifty-eight years of age;

                     (b) Subsection C of Section 22-11-23.3 NMSA 1978 and is sixty years of age or older and under sixty-five, in an amount equal to the result determined under Paragraph (1) of this subsection, but reduced by six-tenths percent for each one-fourth, or portion thereof, year before the member reaches age sixty-five; or

                     (c) Subsection C of Section 22-11-23.3 NMSA 1978 and is younger than sixty years of age, in an amount equal to one and eight-tenths percent for each one-fourth, or portion thereof, year before the member reaches sixty years of age.

          K. In determining a member's average annual salary for purposes of this section:

                (1) the data set shall consist of the annual salary of each of the last five years, or any consecutive five years, for which contribution was made by the member, whichever produces a higher result; and

                (2) lump-sum payments made after July 1, 2010 of accrued sick leave or annual leave shall be excluded from the calculation.

          L. On and after July 1, 2019, if the member's average annual salary is greater than sixty thousand dollars ($60,000):

                (1) the salary in a first twelve-month interval that occurs beginning July 1, 2019 or thereafter of the five-year period used to determine the average annual salary shall be adjusted to exclude any increase in salary in excess of thirty percent of the salary in the twelve consecutive months of service credit preceding the five-year period; and

                (2) the salary in each of the four succeeding twelve-month intervals that occur beginning July 1, 2019 or thereafter of the five-year period, as adjusted to exclude any increase in salary in the twelve months preceding each such succeeding twelve-month interval that is in excess of the thirty-percent limitation provided in this subsection, shall be used to determine if the salary in that succeeding twelve-month interval exceeds the thirty-percent limitation and to adjust the salary to exclude any increase in excess of that limitation in determining the average annual salary.

          M. On July 1, 2020 and on each July 1 thereafter, the salary threshold for applying the thirty-percent limitation provided for in Subsection L of this section shall be adjusted by applying an adjustment factor equal to the change in the consumer price index between the next preceding calendar year and the preceding calendar year if there is an increase in the consumer price index between the next preceding calendar year and the preceding calendar year.

          N. [Unless otherwise required by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, a member shall begin receiving retirement benefits by age seventy years and six months, or upon termination of employment, whichever occurs later] Notwithstanding any provision of the Educational Retirement Act, retirement benefits shall be distributed in accordance with Section 401(a)(9) of the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations thereunder, including the minimum incidental death benefit restrictions of Section 401(a)(9)(G) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended."

     SECTION 4. Section 22-11-47 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1991, Chapter 118, Section 5, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. Beginning October 1, 1991, any employee of the university of New Mexico, New Mexico state university, New Mexico institute of mining and technology, New Mexico highlands university, eastern New Mexico university or western New Mexico university who is eligible to become a participant may make within ninety days of that date an election to participate in the alternative retirement plan. Beginning October 1, 1999, an employee of central New Mexico community college, Clovis community college, Luna community college, Mesalands community college, New Mexico junior college, northern New Mexico college, San Juan college or Santa Fe community college who is eligible to become a participant may make an election to participate in the alternative retirement plan within ninety days of the initial date. Beginning October 1, 2023, an employee of southeast New Mexico college who is eligible to become a participant may make an election to participate in the alternative retirement plan within ninety days of the initial date. Thereafter, any employee who is eligible to become a participant may make within the first ninety days of employment with a qualifying state educational institution an election to participate in the alternative retirement plan. Any employee who makes the election shall become a participant the first day of the first pay period following the election. Any employee who fails to make the election within ninety days of October 1, 1991, [or] October 1, 1999 or October 1, 2023, whichever is applicable, or within the first ninety days of employment with a qualifying state educational institution shall become or remain a regular member if that employee is eligible to be a regular member and shall not later be eligible to elect to be a participant, regardless of whether the employee subsequently is employed in another position that is eligible for participation in the alternative retirement plan. Except as provided in Subsection D of this section, an election to become a participant is irrevocable.

          B. Until the time an employee who is eligible to become a participant elects to participate in the alternative retirement plan, that employee shall be a regular member.

          C. When an employee elects to become a participant, any employer and employee contributions made as a regular member shall be withdrawn from the fund and applied instead toward the alternative retirement plan as if the participant had been participating in the alternative retirement plan from the commencement of employment with the qualifying state educational institution.

          D. On July 1, 2009, any participant who has made contributions to the alternative retirement plan for a cumulative total of seven years or more shall have a one-time option of electing to become a regular member. Thereafter, once a participant has made contributions to the alternative retirement plan for a cumulative total of seven years, a participant shall have a one-time option of electing to become a regular member. Participants electing to become regular members shall exercise that option within one hundred twenty days of the date of becoming eligible to elect to become a regular member. Any amounts on deposit in an employee's alternative retirement plan account when a participant becomes a regular member shall remain on deposit with the contractor or carrier subject to that plan's provisions, unless otherwise provided by law. An employee who elects to become a regular member under this subsection shall use the date on which the employee was first employed with a qualifying state educational institution for purposes of determining any retirement eligibility requirement, provided that the employee:

                (1) may not purchase service credit for periods of employment during which the employee participated in the alternative retirement plan; and

                (2) shall acquire not less than five years of contributory employment as a regular member as provided for in Section 22-11-24 NMSA 1978 to be eligible for retirement benefits pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act.

          E. The board shall approve the positions at each qualifying state educational institution that are eligible for participation in the alternative retirement plan."

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