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SPONSOR: Lujan DATE TYPED: 03/29/00 HB HJM 3
SHORT TITLE: Espanola Traffic Lights and Congestion SB


Appropriation Contained
Estimated Additional Impact

or Non-Rec



FY00 FY01 FY00 FY01

(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)

Duplicates/Conflicts with/Companion to/Relates to NA


State Highway and Transportation Department (SHTD)


Synopsis of Bill

HJM 65 requests the State Highway and Transportation Department to:

1. Alleviate traffic congestion problems in the City of Espanola by installing traffic signals at the following intersections:

a. NM 76 and NM 583

b. NM 291 and Fairview Road Extension

2. Make every effort to provide ingress and egress, such as traffic signals, at the intersection of NM 68 and La Joya Drive to alleviate congestion and provide a safer intersection

3. Support the intent of this memorial and the City of Espanola

4. Provide sufficient funding from the School Bus Safety Route Program for the installation of two traffic signals and alternative driving routes at the locations mentioned in this memorial.

Significant Issues

According to SHTD, the intersection of NM 68 and La Joya Drive already has a traffic signal. The most serious traffic congestion problems are occurring at the intersection of NM 68 and Fairview Lane.

The department recently completed a traffic study on the intersection of NM 76 and NM 583. The study will determine if the intersection warrants a traffic signal as defined in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. If this intersection warrants a traffic signal, the project will be developed based on priority with other statewide needs and funding availability.

Project development at NM 76 and NM 583 would be very complex for several reasons: The existing road is narrow and winding with very limited sight distance; the existing right of way is very narrow; buildings and walls are situated close to the edge of the right of way; an irrigation

ditch runs along the road; and the area is very historic. For these reasons, it is anticipated this project would be very costly.

The last traffic study on the intersection of NM 291 and Fairview Road Extension showed that it did not qualify for a traffic signal. Another study will be conducted to determine if additional traffic warrants a traffic signal. If so it will be prioritized and funded based on available funding.

The department's Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) includes $1 million for work on the intersection of NM 68 and Fairview Lane in FY01. Preliminary engineering has been initiated by department staff. The purpose of this project is to improve the efficiency of this intersection.

The department is currently conducting a traffic model study for the City of Espanola. When complete, the model will be used to analyze the effectiveness of alternative routes proposed to relieve traffic congestion on NM 68, including the intersection of NM 68 and Fairview Lane.

Section 67-3-28.2C(3) NMSA 1978 states that, except for the amounts used for financial hardship, 16% of the money in the Local Government Road Fund shall be distributed "for school bus routes, to be used solely for...acquiring rights of way and constructing, maintaining, repairing, improving and paving school bus routes and public school parking lots." School bus route funds are allocated to the department's districts. Districts establish an annual program of projects in cooperation with the counties. In FY 99, the six counties in District 5 received a total of $423.0 for school bus route projects.


The cost of items in this joint memorial could be significant, although, have not been estimated at this time.


Minimal impact


HB 430 proposes raising the gasoline and special fuel taxes and also the Petroleum Products Loading Fee and using the revenues generated to support additional bonding authority for highway projects. $18 million for improvement of the Espanola relief route is one of the projects proposed for funding in this bill.
