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SPONSOR: Feldman DATE TYPED: 03/04/01 HB
SHORT TITLE: Public Campaign Finance Option Act SB 39/aSRC
ANALYST: Woodlee


Appropriation Contained
Estimated Additional Impact

or Non-Rec



FY01 FY02 FY01 FY02
$ 150.0 Recurring General Fund

(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)

Duplicates House Bill 93


Estimated Revenue

Years Impact


or Non-Rec



FY01 FY02
$ 790.0 $ 815.0 Recurring New Public Election Fund
$ (790.0) $ (815.0) Recurring General Fund

(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Revenue Decreases)


LFC Files

Secretary of State

Attorney General's Office


Synopsis of SRC Amendment

The Senate Rules Committee amendment changes the qualifying contribution amount to one-half of one percent of total registered voters in a district or one-fourth of one percent of total registered voters in the state, for statewide offices. In addition, it allows for incumbents elected prior to 2004 to use existing funds for seed money. The amendment adds additional years to when certain aspects of the program will become effective. Also, the amendment adds a provision that says under no circumstances shall funds, in-kind contributions or activities from corporations, partnership or labor organizations will be used for campaign purposes by any candidate that accepts the Public Campaign Financing funds. The amendment specifies that the $150.0 appropriation is for two full-time equivalent positions in the Secretary of State's office and deletes the $1,900.0 appropriation.

Synopsis of Original Bill

Senate Bill 39 provides for voluntary public campaign financing for the election for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Auditor, State Treasurer, Commissioner of Public Lands, State Senators, State Representatives and the Commissioners of the Public Regulation Commission. The bill also creates the "Public Election Fund" in the state treasury and appropriates $150.0 for administration of the fund and $1,900.0 to the fund for public financing of campaigns.

Significant Issues

The bill amends the Election Code by entering a new section cited as the "Public Campaign Finance Option Act." The bill provides for the following aspects of public financing of political campaigns:

$25,000 for a candidate for Governor;

$10,000 for a candidate for Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, State Treasurer or Commission of Public Lands;

$15,000 for a candidate for Attorney General;

$2,500 for a candidate for Public Regulation Commission;

$2,000 for a candidate for State Senator; and

$1,000 for a candidate for State Representative.

The bill also provides how and what amount of contributions will be made to the Public Election Fund, including an optional tax checkoff on individual's income tax payment. The bill charges the Secretary of State with administration of the program, creates an appeals process, and provides for penalties for violation of the Public Campaign Finance Option Act.


The bill creates the Public Election Fund and appropriates $150.0 from the general fund to the public election fund for the administrative duties of the Secretary of State in relation to public campaign financing. In addition, $1,900.0 is appropriated from the general fund to the public election fund for the disbursement to certified candidates. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of the fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund.

The Secretary of State estimates the cost impact to that agency is $187.0. The Secretary of State, therefore, indicates a need for an additional $37.0 for administrative costs.

There will be a slight reduction of general fund revenue from individual or married income tax payers who choose to deduct from net income the amount of contributions made to the public election fund. According to the TRD, the impact on the general fund for FY02 may be as high as $790.0 and $815.0 for subsequent years. For individuals, the limit is $250.00, and for married filers, the limit is $500.00.

Continuing Appropriations

This bill creates a new fund and provides for continuing appropriations. The LFC objects to including continuing appropriation language in the statutory provisions for newly created funds. Earmarking reduces the ability of the legislature to establish spending priorities.


The Secretary of State indicates the administrative impact would be great and a Public Campaign Finance Division would have to be created. With the administration appropriation, the agency should be able to absorb any administrative implications.


The Secretary of State and Attorney General indicate the following items for technical clean-up:
