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F I S C A L   I M P A C T   R E P O R T














WNMU Active Learning Project











Appropriation Contained

Estimated Additional Impact


or Non-Rec














General Fund


(Parenthesis () Indicate Expenditure Decreases)


Duplicates SB 188, and Relates to HB 48, HB 51, HB 91, HB 96, HB 248, HJM 10, HJM 121,

SB 74, SB 180, SB 257, SJM 10 & SJM 11


Duplicates/Relates to Appropriation in The General Appropriation Act




Commission on Higher Education  (CHE)




     Synopsis of Bill


House Bill 237 appropriates $105,000 to the Board of Regents of Western New Mexico University (WNMU) to implement the ACTIVE Learning Project and the Gila Instructional Network.


(ACTIVE is an acronym for Authentic, Competency-Based, Technology-enhanced, Integrated, Versatile and Evaluative.)


     Significant Issues


House Bill 237 supports two projects proposed by Western New Mexico University: The ACTIVE Learning Project and the Gila Instructional Network.


The Active Learning Project involves teams of WNMU’s faculty and pre-service teachers who will develop and use teaching units designed for integration with technology.   According to CHE, this




proposal was included in WNMU’s funding request for FY2002-2003 and submitted for review as part of CHE’s Information Technology process.  WNMU’s request for $138.4 request was ranked 14th out of 15 priorities adopted by the CHE, and $80.0 was recommended as part of the Significantly Needed Requests in the “2002-2003 Capital Project Recommendations for Higher Education.”  The level of funding available for distribution by CHE prevented the funding of all projects submitted or funding some projects at the requested level. 


The CHE analysis states that “The Gila Instructional Consortium is a partnership of public schools in Quemado, Lordsburg, Reserve, and Magdalena, WNMU, and Western New Mexico Telephone Company. This project will link rural communities with an Internet-Protocol (IP) based network that will deliver two-way video, voice and data communications. This capability will be used to increase access to advanced placement courses in four rural school districts, and to provide continuing education for professionals in the area.


 This proposal was included in the WNMU funding requests for FY 2002-03, submitted for review as part of the New Mexico Commission on Higher Education’s (CHE) Information Technology Projects process. This request, for $154,040, was ranked as the CHE's 15th priority of 15 IT projects and funding for $25,000 was recommended as part of the Significantly Needed Requests in the "2002-2003 Capital Project Recommendations for Higher Education".




The appropriation of $105.0 contained in this bill is a recurring expense to the general fund.  Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY2003 shall revert to the general fund. 


According to the CHE, the ACTIVE Learning Project includes the purchase of needed equipment and technical support to train faculty and students. The Gila Instructional Network will provide courses and training for users at each partner's location. The public schools and WNMU have also provided matching funds. For each project, the CHE's intent is to provide initial funding support that would then be incorporated into future institutional budget




House Bill 237 188 duplicates Senate Bill 188, and relates to HB 48, HB 51, HB 91, HB 96,

HB 248,9 HJM 10, HJM 121, SB 74, SB 180, SB 257, SJM 10 & SJM 11


HB 237 relates to the General Appropriation Act, which contains the FY2003 appropriation for WNMU.



 [1]Begin typing on the * in replace mode.  Do not add or delete spaces.