46th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2003


Cisco McSorley



WHEREAS, the framers of the United States constitution declared that the achievement of peace is recognized as one of the highest duties of the new organization of free and independent states; and

WHEREAS, Article 2, Section 1 of the constitution of New Mexico declares the United States constitution to be the supreme law of the land; and

WHEREAS, finding peaceful solutions to problems and conflicts is, therefore, a fundamental American value, and peace is an organizing principle by which to coordinate services to every level of society; and

WHEREAS, peace promotes justice and democratic principles to expand human rights and promotes the development of human potential; and

WHEREAS, a department of peace would provide a vehicle to:

A. create a climate of respect, cooperation, safety and nonviolence for our citizens, our children and future generations;

B. ensure the betterment of humanity by instilling hope, inner peace and compassion and by making the citizens and government officials of New Mexico aware of the high benefits of peacemaking;

C. encourage the use of dialogue, diplomacy, negotiation and goodwill at all levels of public life and discourse;

D. teach mediation and alternative dispute resolution techniques throughout the state in public schools and state government, including provision of written and electronic materials pertaining to mediation, negotiation, diplomacy and peacemaking and the provision of resources to those who cannot afford professional legal services; and

E. study the relationship between the use of negotiation and the lowering of incidents of hostility, criminal behavior, domestic violence, dropout rates, costly litigation and expensive incarceration; and

WHEREAS, accumulated injustice and hatred, when persistently ignored, incites those who have been given no voice and no place at the table to desperate and destructive acts; and

WHEREAS, the positive, social and healing force of peace is the only possibility for sustaining life on our planet;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that a New Mexico department of peace be supported; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this memorial be transmitted to the governor.

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