50th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2011













          A. Except as otherwise provided in another section of this act:

                (1) the unexpended balance from the proceeds of severance tax bonds issued for a project that has been reauthorized in this act shall revert to the severance tax bonding fund:

                     (a) at the end of the expenditure period as set forth in this act, if the expenditure period is changed in this act; or

                     (b) if the expenditure period is not changed in this act, pursuant to the time frame set forth in the law that originally authorized the severance tax bonds or the time frame set forth in any law that has previously reauthorized the expenditure of the proceeds, whichever is later; and

                (2) all remaining balances from the proceeds of severance tax bonds issued for a project that has been reauthorized in this act shall revert to the severance tax bonding fund three months after the reversion date for the unexpended balances.

          B. For the purpose of this section, "unexpended balance" means the remainder of an appropriation after reserving for unpaid costs and expenses covered by binding written obligations to third parties.


          A. Except as otherwise provided in another section of this act:

                (1) the unexpended balance of an appropriation from the general fund or other state fund that has been changed in this act shall revert:

                     (a) at the end of the expenditure period as set forth in this act, if the expenditure period is changed in this act; or

                     (b) if the expenditure period is not changed in this act, pursuant to the time frame set forth in the law in which the original appropriation was made or the time frame set forth in any law that has previously changed the appropriation, whichever is later; and

                (2) all remaining balances of an appropriation from the general fund or other state fund that has been changed in this act shall revert three months after the reversion date for the unexpended balance.

          B. Except as provided in Subsection D of this section, the balance of an appropriation made from the general fund shall revert pursuant to Subsection A of this section to the capital projects fund.

          C. Except as provided in Subsection D of this section, the balance of an appropriation made from other state funds shall revert pursuant to Subsection A of this section to the originating fund.

          D. The balance of an appropriation made from the general fund or other state fund to the Indian affairs department or the aging and long-term services department for a project located on lands of an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo shall revert pursuant to Subsection A of this section to the tribal infrastructure project fund.

          E. For the purpose of this section, "unexpended balance" means the remainder of an appropriation after reserving for unpaid costs and expenses covered by binding written obligations to third parties.

     SECTION 3. FISHER AND SMITH MEMORIAL GYMNASIUM AT VISTA GRANDE COMMUNITY CENTER--EXPAND PURPOSE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The local government division project in Subsection 1 of Section 23 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design and construct the Fisher and Smith memorial gymnasium at the Vista Grande community center in Bernalillo county may include equipping and furnishing that center. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 4. CHRISTINE DUNCAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL--CHANGE TO AFRICAN AMERICAN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the public education department in Subsection 52 of Section 55 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a facility for Christine Duncan community school in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the state fair commission to construct and equip the multipurpose room at the African American performing arts center on the state fairgrounds in Albuquerque. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 5. HILAND THEATER CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION--CHANGE TO AFRICAN AMERICAN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER MULTIPURPOSE ROOM--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Ninety-two thousand nine hundred twenty-seven dollars ($92,927) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 14 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to construct and renovate the Hiland theater in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the state fair commission to construct and equip the multipurpose room at the African American performing arts center at the state fairgrounds in Albuquerque. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 6. ALBUQUERQUE BURTON PARK IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 60 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements to Burton park in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 7. ALAMOSA PARK RENOVATIONS--CHANGE TO TOWER PARK-WEST GATE LITTLE LEAGUE IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation originally made in Subsection 14 of Section 52 of Chapter 347 of Laws 2005 and reappropriated in Laws 2007, Chapter 341, Section 20 to the local government division to plan, design and renovate Alamosa park in Albuquerque shall not be expended for the original or reappropriated purpose but is changed to make improvements for Tower Park-West Gate little league in Albuquerque. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 8. YOUTH DIAGNOSTIC AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 1 of Section 6 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for fire suppression improvements, roof repairs, upgrades to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and kitchen and other renovations at the youth diagnostic and development center in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 9. CHRISTINE DUNCAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL--CHANGE TO BERNALILLO COUNTY SOUTH VALLEY POOL--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the public education department in Subsection 52 of Section 55 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a facility for Christine Duncan community school in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the local government division to plan, design, equip, construct and redevelop the south valley pool facility and grounds in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 10. ALBUQUERQUE DEAF CULTURE MULTIPURPOSE CENTER--EXPAND PURPOSE--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The local government division project in Subsection 37 of Section 59 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 to purchase land for and plan, design and construct a deaf culture multipurpose center in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county may include purchasing, improving, renovating, furnishing and equipping a building and is appropriated to the commission for deaf and hard-of-hearing persons. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 11. CENTRAL-HIGHLAND UPPER NOB HILL REDEVELOPMENT AREA IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 122 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for public infrastructure and street and streetscape improvements to the Central-Highland upper Nob Hill redevelopment area in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 12. LA PAZ AND PARADISE BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNALS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the department of transportation project in Subsection 62 of Section 75 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design, construct, purchase and install traffic signals at La Paz boulevard and Paradise boulevard in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 13. HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE, FACILITY AND SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO CONSTRUCTING THE MULTIPURPOSE ROOM AT THE AFRICAN AMERICAN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the public education department in Subsection 108 of Section 55 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for infrastructure, facility and security improvements at Highland high school in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the state fair commission to construct and equip the multipurpose room at the African American performing arts center on the state fairgrounds in Albuquerque. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 14. STATE LABORATORY SERVICES BUILDING--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project originally appropriated in Subsection 3 of Section 41 of Chapter 126 of Laws 2004 and reappropriated in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 77 for a state laboratory services building in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 15. HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL ON-SITE STREET VACATION INFRASTRUCTURE--CHANGE TO UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO CHEMISTRY BUILDING--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the public education department made in Subsection 112 of Section 55 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for on-site street vacation infrastructure at Highland high school in the Albuquerque public school district shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the board of regents of the university of New Mexico to renovate the chemistry building at the university of New Mexico in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 16. HILAND THEATER RENOVATION--CHANGE TO UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO CHEMISTRY BUILDING--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--One hundred sixty thousand eight hundred fifty-three dollars ($160,853) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 14 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for renovating the Hiland theater in Albuquerque shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the board of regents of the university of New Mexico to renovate and repair the chemistry building at the university of New Mexico in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 17. ALBUQUERQUE TRANSIT SYSTEM FEEDER ROUTE IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO CHEMISTRY BUILDING--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation in Subsection 48 of Section 75 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements to the transit system feeder routes in Albuquerque shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the board of regents of the university of New Mexico to renovate the chemistry building at the university of New Mexico in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 18. GOLD AVENUE STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO CHEMISTRY BUILDING--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation in Subsection 53 of Section 75 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for streetscape improvements on Gold avenue from Yale boulevard to Sycamore street in Albuquerque shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the board of regents of the university of New Mexico to renovate the chemistry building at the university of New Mexico in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 19. ZUNI ROAD STREET LIGHTING--CHANGE TO UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO CHEMISTRY BUILDING--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation in Subsection 70 of Section 75 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for street lighting on Zuni road between Louisiana boulevard and Central avenue in Albuquerque shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the board of regents of the university of New Mexico to renovate the chemistry building at the university of New Mexico in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 20. CHRISTINE DUNCAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL--CHANGE TO BOOK PURCHASE FOR SCHOOLS IN HOUSE DISTRICT 25 IN THE ALBUQUERQUE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Five thousand dollars ($5,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the public education department in Subsection 52 of Section 55 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a facility for the Christine Duncan community school shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to purchase books and software to be divided equally among Jefferson and McKinley middle schools and Bel-Air, Hodgin and Montezuma elementary schools in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 21. CHRISTINE DUNCAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL--CHANGE TO WESTSIDE FOOTBALL STADIUM--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Forty thousand dollars ($40,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the public education department in Subsection 52 of Section 55 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a facility for Christine Duncan community school in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct and equip the westside football stadium in that school district. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 22. LA LUZ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ELECTRICAL UPGRADES--CHANGE TO MISSION AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the public education department in Subsection 140 of Section 55 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for electrical upgrades at La Luz elementary school shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to purchase and install information technology, including related equipment, furniture and infrastructure, at Mission Avenue elementary school in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 23. ALBUQUERQUE GARFIELD PARK RECONSTRUCTION--CHANGE TO MISSION AVENUE ELEMENTARY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY--CHANGE AGENCY--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 53 of Section 59 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 to plan, design and reconstruct Garfield park in Albuquerque shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the public education department to purchase and install information technology, including related equipment, furniture and infrastructure, at Mission Avenue elementary school in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county.

     SECTION 24. ALBUQUERQUE RANCHO ENCANTADO PARK--CHANGE TO MISSION AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECURITY CAMERAS--CHANGE AGENCY--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 87 of Section 59 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 to plan and design Rancho Encantado park in Albuquerque shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the public education department for security cameras at Mission Avenue elementary school in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county.

     SECTION 25. ROOSEVELT MIDDLE SCHOOL TRACK--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the public education department project originally appropriated in Subsection 23 of Section 2 of Chapter 2 of Laws 2007 and reappropriated in Subsection B of Section 99 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design and construct a track at Roosevelt middle school in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 26. WHITTIER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LANDSCAPING--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the public education department project in Subsection 271 of Section 55 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for landscaping at Whittier elementary school in the Albuquerque public school district in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 27. SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO REHABILITATION CENTER--EXTEND TIME--REVENUE BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the revenue bond project originally authorized in Subsection C of Section 8 of Chapter 320 of Laws 2005 and reauthorized in Subsection 1 of Section 94 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements at the southern New Mexico rehabilitation center is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 28. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY OFFICE RENOVATIONS--CHANGE TO CIBOLA COUNTY MOTOR GRADER PURCHASE--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 239 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for renovations and additions to the district attorney's office in the thirteenth judicial district in Cibola county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to purchase and equip a motor grader for Cibola county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 29. CIBOLA COUNTY FACILITY RENOVATIONS--CHANGE TO MOTOR GRADER PURCHASE--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 242 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design, renovate and expand a facility in Cibola county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to purchase and equip a motor grader for the road department in Cibola county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 30. CIBOLA COUNTY PLAZA AND COURTHOUSE IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO ROAD DEPARTMENT MOTOR GRADER--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 159 of Section 59 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 for the plaza, courthouse and courthouse complex in Grants in Cibola county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to purchase and equip a motor grader for the Cibola county road department. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 31. PUEBLO OF ACOMA SKYLINE LAGOON SYSTEM--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project in Subsection 13 of Section 66 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design, construct and renovate the skyline lagoon system at the Pueblo of Acoma in Cibola county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 32. GRANTS WATER WELL--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the department of environment project originally appropriated in Subsection 9 of Section 45 of Chapter 111 of Laws 2006 and reappropriated in Laws 2007, Chapter 341, Section 82 to drill and equip a water well in Grants in Cibola county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 33. EAGLE NEST DAM AND RESERVOIR DIVERSION STRUCTURES--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the office of the state engineer project in Subsection 1 of Section 15 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design and renovate diversion structures below Eagle Nest dam and reservoir in Colfax county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 34. MINERS' COLFAX MEDICAL CENTER DISPENSING SYSTEM--CHANGE TO FLOORING--EXTEND TIME--MINERS' TRUST FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation from the miners' trust fund to the miners' hospital in Laws 2009, Chapter 125, Section 44 to purchase and install a dispensing system shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to replace flooring at the long-term care facility at miners' hospital, also known as miners' Colfax medical center, in Raton in Colfax county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 35. CLOVIS MOTOR VEHICLE DIVISION FIELD OFFICE IMPROVEMENTS--EXPAND PURPOSE TO INCLUDE RENOVATION, FURNISHINGS, INSTALLATION AND EQUIPMENT--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The capital program fund project in Subsection 5 of Section 4 of Chapter 4 of Laws 2010 (2nd S.S.) for improvements, including mold remediation and structural and plumbing repairs, at the motor vehicle division's Clovis field office in Curry county may include renovation, furnishings and purchase and installation of equipment at that facility.

     SECTION 36. J. PAUL TAYLOR JUVENILE JUSTICE CENTER EXPANSION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 2 of Section 6 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan and design a gymnasium and weight room and construct vocational classrooms and bathrooms at the J. Paul Taylor juvenile justice center in Dona Ana county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 37. SAN MIGUEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PURCHASE FOR COMMUNITY CENTER--CHANGE TO SAN MIGUEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATIONS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--One hundred twenty-two thousand five hundred thirty-one dollars ($122,531) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 10 of Section 11 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reauthorized in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 236 for purchasing San Miguel elementary school for a community center in Dona Ana county shall not be expended for the original or reauthorized purpose but is appropriated to the public education department to renovate the San Miguel school for use by the Gadsden independent school district in Dona Ana county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 38. SAN MIGUEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PURCHASE FOR COMMUNITY CENTER--CHANGE TO SAN MIGUEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATIONS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 186 of Section 59 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reappropriated in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 238 for purchasing San Miguel elementary school for a community center in Dona Ana county shall not be expended for the original or reappropriated purpose but is appropriated to the public education department to renovate the San Miguel elementary school for use by the Gadsden independent school district in Dona Ana county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 39. SAN MIGUEL MULTIPURPOSE COMPLEX--CHANGE TO SAN MIGUEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATIONS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 234 of Section 59 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reappropriated in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 242 for San Miguel multipurpose center property acquisition and improvements shall not be expended for the original or reappropriated purpose but is appropriated to the public education department to renovate the San Miguel elementary school for use by the Gadsden independent school district in Dona Ana county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 40. SAN MIGUEL MULTIPURPOSE COMPLEX--CHANGE TO SAN MIGUEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATIONS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 235 of Section 59 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reappropriated in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 243 for San Miguel multipurpose center property acquisition and improvements shall not be expended for the original or reappropriated purpose but is appropriated to the public education department to renovate the San Miguel elementary school for use by the Gadsden independent school district in Dona Ana county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 41. SAN MIGUEL MULTIPURPOSE CENTER--CHANGE TO SAN MIGUEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATIONS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 352 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 and reappropriated in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 244 for San Miguel multipurpose center property acquisition and improvements shall not be expended for the original or reappropriated purpose but is appropriated to the public education department to renovate the San Miguel elementary school for use by the Gadsden independent school district in Dona Ana county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 42. MCNUTT ROAD AND CRISTO REY ROAD LANE EXTENSIONS--CHANGE TO ANTHONY DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation in Subsection 7 of Section 24 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 for lane extensions to McNutt road and Cristo Rey road in Sunland Park in Dona Ana county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct drainage improvements in Anthony in Dona Ana county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 43. RINCON VICTOR DURAN STREET RUNOFF DETENTION POND--CHANGE TO DONA ANA CAMINO REAL REVITALIZATION--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation in Subsection 124 of Section 75 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a detention pond on Victor Duran street in Rincon in Dona Ana county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the local government division to purchase land and equipment for and to plan, design and construct revitalization improvements to El Camino Real in Dona Ana in Dona Ana county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 44. LA UNION MUTUAL DOMESTIC SEWER AND WATER ASSOCIATION WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the department of environment project in Subsection 3 of Section 16 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for water system improvements for La Union mutual domestic sewer and water association in La Union in Dona Ana county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 45. J. PAUL TAYLOR CENTER VOCATIONAL ROOMS AND BASKETBALL GYMNASIUM--EXPAND PURPOSE TO INCLUDE FURNISHINGS, INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The capital program fund project in Subsection 4 of Section 5 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 for construction of vocational rooms and an indoor basketball gymnasium, including a weight room, showers and bleachers, at the J. Paul Taylor center in Las Cruces in Dona Ana county may include furnishings, installation and equipment at that facility.

     SECTION 46. YOUTH DIAGNOSTIC AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER AND CAMINO NUEVO SITE SECURITY SYSTEMS UPGRADES--EXPAND PURPOSE TO INCLUDE J. PAUL TAYLOR JUVENILE JUSTICE CENTER SECURITY SYSTEM UPGRADES--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The capital program fund project authorized in Subsection 3 of Section 4 of Chapter 4 of Laws 2010 (2nd S.S.) for upgrades to the security systems at the youth diagnostic and development center and the Camino Nuevo site in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county may include security system upgrades at the J. Paul Taylor juvenile justice center in Las Cruces in Dona Ana county.

     SECTION 47. SAN MIGUEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PURCHASE FOR COMMUNITY CENTER--CHANGE TO LAS CRUCES JUVENILE JUSTICE TRACKING SYSTEM AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--Fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 10 of Section 11 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reauthorized in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 236 for purchasing San Miguel elementary school for a community center in Dona Ana county shall not be expended for the original or reauthorized purpose but is appropriated to the third judicial district court to plan, design, purchase and install a tracking system, including information technology and related equipment, furniture and infrastructure, for the juvenile justice system in Dona Ana county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 48. NEW MEXICO FARM AND RANCH HERITAGE MUSEUM RETRACTABLE COURTYARD COVER--EXPAND PURPOSE TO INCLUDE TORTUGAS ROOM AND KITCHEN EQUIPMENT--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The cultural affairs department project in Subsection 10 of Section 3 of Chapter 7 of Laws 2009 (1st S.S.) to plan, design and construct a retractable cover for the courtyard at the New Mexico farm and ranch heritage museum in Las Cruces in Dona Ana county may include the purchase and installation of equipment for the Tortugas room and kitchen at that facility.

     SECTION 49. NEW MEXICO STATE POLICE DISTRICT OFFICE IN LAS CRUCES--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 4 of Section 6 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for land acquisition and to plan, design, construct and renovate a New Mexico state police district office in Las Cruces in Dona Ana county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 50. SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO CORRECTIONAL FACILITY AND JP TAYLOR JUVENILE JUSTICE CENTER REAL PROPERTY PURCHASE--EXTEND TIME--PROPERTY CONTROL RESERVE FUND.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Laws 2009, Chapter 71, Section 1 to purchase from the federal bureau of land management the real property occupied by the southern New Mexico correctional facility and the JP Taylor juvenile justice center is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 51. SANTA TERESA PORT OF ENTRY EMERGENCY RESPONSE--CHANGE AGENCY--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The capital program fund project in Subsection 6 of Section 7 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 to plan, design, construct and equip a county emergency response station to provide hazmat and other emergency response at the Santa Teresa port of entry and surrounding areas in Dona Ana county is appropriated to the local government division for that purpose.

     SECTION 52. SANTA TERESA SAFETY INSPECTION FACILITY--CHANGE AGENCY--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The local government division project in Subsection 149 of Section 3 of Chapter 7 of Laws 2009 (1st S.S.) to plan, design and construct improvements to a safety inspection facility in Santa Teresa in Dona Ana county is appropriated to the general services department for that purpose.

     SECTION 53. SANTA TERESA SAFETY INSPECTION STATION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the project authorized in Subsection 3 of Section 23 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to the local government division and reauthorized in Subsection B of Section 279 of Chapter 83 of Laws 2008 to the capital program fund for a safety inspection station at Santa Teresa in Dona Ana county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 54. HACHITA DOMESTIC MUTUAL WATER CONSUMERS ASSOCIATION WATER SYSTEM--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the department of environment project in Subsection 63 of Section 59 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a water system for the Hachita domestic mutual water consumers association in Grant county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 55. JAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT--CLARIFY LANGUAGE AND EXPAND PURPOSE--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of environment in Subsection 59 of Section 48 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 for improvements to the business incubator wastewater treatment plant in Jal in Lea county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct and equip improvements at the wastewater plant in Jal in Lea county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 56. HONDO VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CLINIC--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the public education department project in Subsection 373 of Section 55 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a school-based health clinic for the Hondo Valley public school district in Lincoln county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 57. FORT DEFIANCE CHAPTER COALMINE AREA BATHROOM ADDITIONS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project in Subsection 27 of Section 66 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for bathroom additions in the Coalmine area of the Fort Defiance chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 58. CROWNPOINT WELLNESS CENTER--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project in Subsection 43 of Section 66 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a wellness center in Crownpoint in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 59. EASTERN NAVAJO ADMINISTRATION COMPLEX--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project in Subsection 48 of Section 66 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design, construct, equip and furnish the eastern Navajo administration complex and retail center in the Crownpoint chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 60. ALLISON ROAD IN GALLUP--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the department of transportation project in Subsection 150 of Section 75 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to acquire rights of way for, plan, design, construct and improve Allison road in Gallup in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 61. GALLUP LOW-INCOME APARTMENT FACILITY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 468 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to purchase, plan, design, construct and renovate a facility for low-income apartments in Gallup in McKinley county, with contingency language, is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 62. IYANBITO CHAPTER SWEETWATER ROAD IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO DAKOTA ROAD IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation in Subsection 103 of Section 61 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 for improvements to Sweetwater road in the Iyanbito chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design and construct improvements to Dakota road in that chapter. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 63. LAKE VALLEY CHAPTER SENIOR CENTER IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the aging and long-term services department project in Subsection 14 of Section 4 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to make improvements, including purchase and installation of equipment, to the Lake Valley chapter senior center on the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 64. LITTLEWATER CHAPTER HEAD START FACILITY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project in Subsection 54 of Section 66 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a head start facility in the Littlewater chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 65. TOHATCHI CHAPTER HOUSE KITCHEN PLUMBING SYSTEM--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project in Subsection 68 of Section 66 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a plumbing system in the kitchen area of the chapter house in the Tohatchi chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 66. TOHATCHI CHAPTER PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the project originally appropriated in Subsection 154 of Section 26 of Chapter 2 of Laws 2007 and reappropriated in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 312 to the Indian affairs department to plan, design, construct, renovate and equip a skateboard park, volleyball park, picnic area, playground area, trails and landscaping in the Tohatchi chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 67. TOHATCHI CHAPTER POWERLINE EXTENSION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project originally authorized in Subsection 18 of Section 115 of Chapter 126 of Laws 2004 for a powerline extension project in the Tohatchi chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county and reauthorized for a time extension in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 311 is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 68. TWIN LAKES CHAPTER GOVERNMENT OFFICE COMPLEX--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project in Subsection 71 of Section 66 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to construct a government office complex in the Twin Lakes chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 69. WHITE HORSE LAKE CHAPTER WATER LINE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project originally authorized in Subsection 34 of Section 115 of Chapter 126 of Laws 2004 and reauthorized in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 317 to plan, design and construct a water line for the White Horse Lake chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 70. WHITEHORSE LAKE CHAPTER SENIOR CENTER CONSTRUCTION--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the aging and long-term services department project in Subsection 14 of Section 2 of Chapter 2 of Laws 2007 to plan, design, purchase or construct a senior center at the Whitehorse Lake chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 71. CAMP SIERRA BLANCA, EAGLE NEST, MALOOF AND YOUTH DIAGNOSTIC AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 7 of Section 6 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for grounds and security improvements at Camp Sierra Blanca, Eagle Nest, Maloof and youth diagnostic and development center facilities in multiple counties is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 72. TWIN FORKS MUTUAL DOMESTIC WATER CONSUMERS ASSOCIATION WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS AND EQUIPMENT--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the department of environment project in Subsection 104 of Section 59 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements to a water system, including purchasing and installing equipment and water rights, for the Twin Forks mutual domestic water consumers association in Otero county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 73. LAS ACEQUIAS DE EL RITO IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the interstate stream commission project in Subsection 33 of Section 67 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements to las acequias de El Rito in Rio Arriba county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 74. SALAZAR AND HERNANDEZ DITCH ACCESS ROAD--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the interstate stream commission project in Subsection 34 of Section 67 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for access road improvements for the Salazar and Hernandez ditches for the Salazar ditch association in Rio Arriba county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 75. SANTA CRUZ SITE 1 FLOOD CONTROL DAM UPGRADES--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the board of regents of New Mexico state university project in Subsection 33 of Section 81 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for upgrades to the Santa Cruz site 1 flood control dam in the Santa Fe-Pojoaque soil and water conservation district in Rio Arriba county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 76. WEST VALLECITOS COMMUNITY ACEQUIA IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the interstate stream commission project in Subsection 35 of Section 67 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements to the West Vallecitos community acequia in Rio Arriba county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 77. CANJILON MUTUAL DOMESTIC WATER CONSUMERS AND MUTUAL SEWAGE WORKS ASSOCIATION WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the department of environment project in Subsection 123 of Section 59 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for water system improvements for the Canjilon mutual domestic water consumers and mutual sewage works association in Canjilon in Rio Arriba county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 78. EL PINABETAL ACEQUIA WATER CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the interstate stream commission project in Subsection 13 of Section 25 of Chapter 2 of Laws 2007 for water conservation technology and equipment for El Pinabetal acequia in Canjilon in Rio Arriba county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 79. CHAMA SEWER TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the department of environment project in Subsection 124 of Section 59 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a sewer treatment plant in Chama in Rio Arriba county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 80. ACEQUIA DEL RINCON REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the interstate stream commission project in Subsection 14 of Section 25 of Chapter 2 of Laws 2007 for repairs and improvements to the acequia del Rincon in Dixon in Rio Arriba county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 81. ACEQUIA DE OJO SARCO IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO OJO SARCO COMMUNITY CENTER RENOVATION--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the interstate stream commission in Subsection 31 of Section 67 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements to the acequia de Ojo Sarco in Rio Arriba county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the local government division to plan, design, repair, renovate and equip the Ojo Sarco community center in Rio Arriba county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 82. TIERRA AMARILLA SENIOR CENTER CONSTRUCTION--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the aging and long-term services department project in Subsection 32 of Section 36 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a senior center in Tierra Amarilla in Rio Arriba county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 83. ACEQUIA DE OJO SARCO IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO RIO ARRIBA COUNTY SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND DETOXIFICATION FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN VELARDE--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Thirty-three thousand three hundred sixteen dollars ($33,316) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the interstate stream commission in Subsection 31 of Section 67 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements to the acequia de Ojo Sarco in Rio Arriba county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the local government division to design, renovate and upgrade buildings at a county-owned substance abuse treatment facility in Velarde in Rio Arriba county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 84. NAGEEZI CHAPTER POWERLINE EXTENSIONS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project originally authorized in Subsection 65 of Section 21 of Chapter 429 of Laws 2003 and Subsection 21 of Section 115 of Chapter 126 of Laws 2004 for a helicopter pad in the Nageezi chapter of the Navajo Nation in San Juan county and reauthorized in Laws 2007, Chapter 341, Section 257 for powerline extensions in that chapter is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 85. NEWCOMB CHAPTER HOUSE ADDITION--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project in Subsection 100 of Section 66 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for an addition to the chapter house in the Newcomb chapter of the Navajo Nation in San Juan county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 86. SHIPROCK HOME FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project originally authorized in Subsection 20 of Section 115 of Chapter 126 of Laws 2004 and reauthorized in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 393 to make site improvements and to construct, equip and furnish the home for women and children in Shiprock in San Juan county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 87. SHIPROCK HOME FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the project originally authorized in Subsection 40 of Section 15 of Chapter 126 of Laws 2004 and reauthorized in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 394 to the Indian affairs department to make site improvements and to construct, equip and furnish the home for women and children in Shiprock in San Juan county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 88. SHIPROCK HOME FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project originally authorized in Subsection 43 of Section 20 of Chapter 110 of Laws 2002 and reauthorized in Laws 2006, Chapter 107, Section 101 and again in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 395 to make site improvements and to construct, equip and furnish the home for women and children in Shiprock in San Juan county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 89. T'IISTOH SIKAAD CHAPTER VETERANS' MULTICOMPLEX BUILDING--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the project originally appropriated to the aging and long-term services department in Subsection 121 of Section 23 of Chapter 347 of Laws 2005 for a senior center in the Burnham, or T'iistoh Sikaad, chapter of the Navajo Nation in San Juan county and reappropriated to the Indian affairs department in Laws 2007, Chapter 341, Section 251 for a veterans' multicomplex building in that chapter is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 90. WHITE ROCK CHAPTER POWERLINE--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project in Subsection 112 of Section 66 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design and construct a powerline in scattered home sites in the White Rock chapter of the Navajo Nation in San Juan county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 91. NEW MEXICO STATE POLICE DISTRICT OFFICE IN LAS VEGAS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 11 of Section 6 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for land acquisition and to plan, design, construct, renovate, furnish and equip a New Mexico state police district office in Las Vegas in San Miguel county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 92. NEW MEXICO HIGHLANDS UNIVERSITY HALL OF HONOR--CHANGE TO ATHLETIC PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Fourteen thousand ninety-eight dollars ($14,098) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the board of regents of New Mexico highlands university in Subsection 2 of Section 78 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a hall of honor at New Mexico highlands university in Las Vegas in San Miguel county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct, equip and furnish athletics program facilities at that university. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 93. NEW MEXICO HIGHLANDS UNIVERSITY HALL OF HONOR--CHANGE TO WEST LAS VEGAS PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT EQUIPMENT--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Fourteen thousand ninety-eight dollars ($14,098) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the board of regents of New Mexico highlands university in Subsection 2 of Section 78 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for a hall of honor at New Mexico highlands university in Las Vegas in San Miguel county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the public education department for bus equipment, computers to check buses and tools and other equipment for the shop in the west Las Vegas public school district in San Miguel county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 94. LORDSBURG PORT OF ENTRY--CHANGE TO LAS VEGAS STATE POLICE DISTRICT OFFICE AND GARAGE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the capital program fund in Subsection 8 of Section 5 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 for the port of entry at Lordsburg in Hidalgo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to construct the New Mexico state police district office, including the garage, in Las Vegas in San Miguel county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 95. BERNALILLO VETERANS' MEMORIAL--EXPAND PURPOSE--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The local government division project in Subsection 593 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design and construct a veterans' memorial in Bernalillo in Sandoval county may include improvements. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 96. COCHITI LAKE ROAD AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the department of transportation project in Subsection 189 of Section 75 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for road and highway improvements in Cochiti Lake in Sandoval county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 97. UNSER AND MONTANO BOULEVARDS SOUND BARRIER WALLS--CHANGE TO CORRALES WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of transportation in Subsection 67 of Section 75 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for sound barrier walls in the area of Unser boulevard and Montano boulevard in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the department of environment to design and construct a wastewater collection system, including connection to the Albuquerque-Bernalillo county water utility authority system, in Corrales in Sandoval county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 98. AGUA FRIA WATER DISTRIBUTION AND SEWER SYSTEMS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the appropriation originally made in Subsection 193 of Section 26 of Chapter 2 of Laws 2007 and reappropriated to the department of environment in Subsection AA of Section 99 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for acquiring water rights, including needed applications and transfers, for improvements to the water distribution system and wells and for planning a sewer system in Agua Fria in Santa Fe county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 99. CERRILLOS MULTIPURPOSE CENTER CONSTRUCTION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project originally authorized in Subsection 280 of Section 18 of Chapter 111 of Laws 2006 for a multipurpose center in Cerrillos in Santa Fe county and reauthorized to the energy, minerals and natural resources department in Laws 2007, Chapter 341, Section 289 for that purpose is extended through fiscal year 2013.


CENTER--CHANGE TO NAMBE SENIOR AND COMMUNITY CENTER--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the aging and long-term services department in Subsection 19 of Section 2 of Chapter 2 of Laws 2007 for a senior and community center in the Pojoaque valley area in Santa Fe county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to purchase land for, plan, design, construct, equip and furnish the Nambe senior and community center and grounds in Santa Fe county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 101. HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT CENTER NORTH OFFICE ADDITION AND RENOVATIONS--EXPAND PURPOSE TO INCLUDE FURNISHINGS, INSTALLATION AND EQUIPMENT--CHANGE AGENCY--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the capital program fund in Subsection 17 of Section 7 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 to plan, design and construct an addition and renovations to the north office for the homeland security and emergency management department center in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county is appropriated to the homeland security and emergency management department for that purpose and may include furnishings, installation and equipment at that facility.

     SECTION 102. MANUEL LUJAN BUILDING HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 12 of Section 6 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design and improve the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system at the Manuel Lujan building in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 103. MANUEL LUJAN BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project originally appropriated in Subsection 17 of Section 64 of Chapter 111 of Laws 2006 and reappropriated in Paragraph (2) of Subsection A of Section 346 of Chapter 128 of Laws 2009 to plan, design, purchase, install and upgrade the interior and heating, ventilation and air conditioning system and make related improvements at the Manuel Lujan building in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 104. OLD SANTA FE TRAIL MULTIMODAL TRANSIT ROAD IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the department of transportation project originally appropriated in Subsection 56 of Section 30 of Chapter 2 of Laws 2007 and reappropriated in Laws 2008, Chapter 83, Section 383 to purchase land for, plan, design, construct and equip road improvements for multimodal transit along Old Santa Fe trail, including El Gancho way, in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 105. SITE SANTA FE MUSEUM IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO GENOVEVA CHAVEZ CENTER--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 183 of Section 3 of Chapter 7 of Laws 2009 (1st S.S.) for Site Santa Fe museum in Santa Fe shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct, equip and furnish the Genoveva Chavez center in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county.

     SECTION 106. EL MUSEO CULTURAL FACILITY RENOVATIONS--CHANGE TO SANTA FE COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRADES AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER TEACHING LABORATORIES--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Ninety-five thousand dollars ($95,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 644 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements to el museo cultural's facility in Santa Fe shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the higher education department to construct, equip and furnish the teaching laboratories at the trades and advanced technology center at Santa Fe community college in Santa Fe county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 107. EL MUSEO CULTURAL FACILITY RENOVATIONS--CHANGE TO SANTA FE ACADEMY FOR TECHNOLOGY AND THE CLASSICS KITCHEN AND CAFETERIA--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Ninety-five thousand dollars ($95,000) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 644 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements to el museo cultural's facility in Santa Fe shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the public education department to construct and equip a kitchen and cafeteria at the academy for technology and the classics, a charter school in the Santa Fe public school district in Santa Fe county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 108. SIERRA COUNTY HOSPITAL--EXPAND PURPOSE--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The local government division project in Subsection 685 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to acquire land for, plan, design, construct, furnish and equip a hospital in Sierra county may include refurbishing the hospital and conducting road assessments in proximity to that hospital. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 109. SIERRA COUNTY HOSPITAL LAND, CONSTRUCTION AND REFURBISHING--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The local government division project in Subsection 24 of Section 23 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to acquire land for, plan, design, construct, furnish and equip a hospital in Sierra county may include refurbishing that hospital. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 110. NEW MEXICO VETERANS' HOME ALZHEIMER'S UNIT AND EXPANSION--EXTEND TIME--REVENUE BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the revenue bond project originally authorized in Subsection C of Section 8 of Chapter 320 of Laws 2005 and reauthorized in Subsection 3 of Section 94 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design, construct and expand a facility for an Alzheimer's unit and make other improvements at the New Mexico veterans' home in Truth or Consequences in Sierra county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 111. SOCORRO CONVENTION CENTER AND RODEO AND RECREATION FACILITIES--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project in Subsection 696 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 to plan, design and construct a convention center, including rodeo and recreation facilities, in Socorro in Socorro county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 112. CORRECTIONS FACILITIES STATEWIDE RENOVATION AND REPAIR--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 14 of Section 6 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for repairs, maintenance and equipment at state-owned corrections facilities statewide is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 113. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FACILITIES UPGRADES AND SEQUOYAH MEDICAL AND DENTAL UNIT--EXTEND TIME--REVENUE BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the revenue bond project originally authorized in Subsection C of Section 8 of Chapter 320 of Laws 2005 and reauthorized in Subsection 2 of Section 94 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for upgrades at department of health facilities statewide and to plan, design, construct, renovate, equip and furnish a medical and dental unit at Sequoyah in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 114. LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT GRANTS FOR INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS TO ATTRACT BUSINESSES STATEWIDE--CHANGE AGENCY--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The department of finance and administration project authorized in Subsection 6 of Section 22 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 to provide grants to political subdivisions of the state for infrastructure improvements necessary to attract new companies or expand existing businesses to achieve job growth pursuant to the Local Economic Development Act statewide is appropriated to the economic development department for that purpose.

     SECTION 115. SANTA FE AVIATION READINESS CENTER RENOVATION--CHANGE TO ARMORY REPAIRS STATEWIDE--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of military affairs in Laws 2008, Chapter 92, Section 22 to renovate the Santa Fe aviation readiness center in Santa Fe county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the state armory board to renovate and repair armories statewide. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 116. CONSERVATION EASEMENTS STATEWIDE--CHANGE TO STATE PARK INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation originally authorized in Paragraph (15) of Subsection B of Section 2 of Chapter 5 of Laws 2009 and reauthorized and reappropriated to the energy, minerals and natural resources department in Laws 2010 (2nd S.S.), Chapter 4, Section 36 for restoration projects and the purchase of conservation easements statewide shall not be expended for the original or reauthorized purpose but is changed to make infrastructure improvements at state parks statewide.

     SECTION 117. TAOS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATIONS--CHANGE TO ACEQUIA DEL MONTE DEL RIO CHIQUITO IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE AGENCY--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the public education department in Subsection 433 of Section 44 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 to renovate Taos elementary school shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the interstate stream commission for improvements to the acequia del Monte del Rio Chiquito in Talpa in Taos county.

     SECTION 118. CABRESTO DAM REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the office of the state engineer project authorized in Subsection 10 of Section 14 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 for repairs and improvements to Cabresto dam in Taos county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 119. CABRESTO LAKE AND LLANO COMMUNITY DITCH IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the interstate stream commission project in Subsection 24 of Section 25 of Chapter 2 of Laws 2007 for acequia improvements for the Cabresto Lake community ditch association and the Llano ditch association in Questa in Taos county is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 120. ACEQUIA DE OJO SARCO IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO TAOS COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FACILITY, SLAUGHTER UNIT AND PROCESSING FACILITY REPAIRS AND RENOVATION--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Thirty-three thousand three hundred seventeen dollars ($33,317) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the interstate stream commission in Subsection 31 of Section 67 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements to the acequia de Ojo Sarco in Rio Arriba county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the local government division to renovate and repair the Taos county economic development corporation facility, mobile livestock slaughter unit and processing facilities, including cooling units, in Taos county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 121. ACEQUIA DE OJO SARCO IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE TO CRISTOBAL DE LA SERNA LAND GRANT HOT SPRINGS RENOVATION--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--Thirty-three thousand three hundred sixteen dollars ($33,316) of the unexpended balance of the appropriation to the interstate stream commission in Subsection 31 of Section 67 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements to the acequia de Ojo Sarco in Rio Arriba county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the local government division to plan, design and construct the renovation of the Ponce de Leon hot springs in the Cristobal de la Serna land grant in Taos county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 122. QUESTA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FACILITY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project originally authorized in Subsection 178 of Section 16 of Chapter 347 of Laws 2005 for infrastructure improvements in Questa in Taos county and reauthorized in Laws 2007, Chapter 341, Section 320 for an economic development project facility in Questa is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 123. QUESTA SOLAR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FACILITY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project originally authorized in Subsection 284 of Section 16 of Chapter 347 of Laws 2005 for a spire solar project in Questa in Taos county and reauthorized in Laws 2007, Chapter 341, Section 322 for a solar economic development project facility in Questa is extended through fiscal year 2013.

     SECTION 124. BELEN SOLAR EQUIPMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT--CHANGE TO LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT PROJECTS--CHANGE AGENCY--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of finance and administration in Subsection 7 of Section 22 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 for a solar equipment economic development project in Belen in Valencia county pursuant to the Local Economic Development Act shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the economic development department for local economic development projects statewide pursuant to that act.

     SECTION 125. LOS LUNAS SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT CENTER CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION--EXPAND PURPOSE TO INCLUDE FURNISHINGS AND INSTALLATION--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The capital program fund project in Paragraph (1) of Subsection B of Section 2 of Chapter 5 of Laws 2009 to plan, design, construct, renovate and equip a substance abuse treatment center in Los Lunas in Valencia county may include furnishings and installation at that facility.

     SECTION 126. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public peace, health and safety that this act take effect immediately.

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