50th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2011


Luciano "Lucky" Varela









     WHEREAS, Section 13-6-3 NMSA 1978 requires ratification and approval of any sale or trade or lease of more than twenty-five years of real property belonging to a state agency for a consideration of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or more; and

     WHEREAS, the property control division of the general services department owns certain real property in the city of Santa Fe, New Mexico, described as:

     Tract C, lying within the Perimeter of the former College of Santa Fe, within projected Section 34, T.17N., R.9E., N.M.P.M., Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Said Portions being more particularly described as follows:

     Beginning at the most Easterly corner common to Tract C and Tract G,

     Thence S20°02'9"W, 382.52 feet;

     Thence S58°37'39"W, 465.30 feet to a point on a line common to Tract C and Tract D;

     Thence N60°34'20"W, 74.42 feet;

     Thence 194.15 feet along a curve to the right with a radius of 503.00 feet and chord of N49°30'54"W, 192.94 feet to a point on a line common to Tract C and Tract G;

     Thence N56°40'38"E, 285.00 feet;

     Thence N33°19'22"W, 105.00 feet;

     Thence N56°40'38"E, 355.80 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4.103 Acres more or less; and

     WHEREAS, the property is located at the west capitol campus adjacent to the Santa Fe university of art and design; and

     WHEREAS, the Santa Fe community college has plans for construction of an approximately thirty-five-thousand-square-foot higher education center on the former college of Santa Fe campus to provide bachelor's completion and graduate programs and related student support services;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that the property control division of the general services department be authorized to sell the real property described in this resolution to the Santa Fe community college by negotiated sale; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the property control division of the general services department may sell the described property to the Santa Fe community college and that the sale is hereby ratified and approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 13-6-3 NMSA 1978, subject to the conditions of this resolution; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the property control division of the general services department be authorized to sell the described land at a value not less than the appraised market value as determined by the property tax division of the taxation and revenue department; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the property shall not be sold until the sale has been approved by the capitol buildings planning commission; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the property control division of the general services department, the governing body of Santa Fe community college, the property tax division of the taxation and revenue department and the capitol buildings planning commission.

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