March 16, 2015


HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___2__ to HOUSE BILL 349, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Representative Miguel P. Garcia

    1. Strike House Health Committee Amendment 15.

    2. On page 34, line 17, after "curriculum", strike the comma and the remainder of the line and insert in lieu thereof "; provided that the educational program: 1) provides a curriculum that is accredited by the commission on dental accreditation; and 2) has an admission plan that establishes admission goals to achieve a dental therapy education program student population made up of at least forty-eight percent Hispanic students, ten percent Native American students and sixty-five percent of students from rural and underserved areas of the state;".

    3. On page 34, strike line 18 in its entirety.


                                    Miguel P. Garcia

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________