March 1, 2019

Mr. President:

    Your EDUCATION COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred

SENATE BILL 315, as amended

has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:

    1. Strike Senate Rules Committee Amendments 3 through 6.

    2. On page 3, line 2, after "district", insert "for purposes of school administration".

    3. On page 3, line 4, before the semicolon, insert "or the power of eminent domain".

    4. On page 5, line 18, strike "and".

    5. On page 5, line 24, after "teachers", insert a semicolon.

    6. On page 5, line 25 and page 6, lines 1 through 3, remove the brackets and line-through.

    7. Reletter the subsections accordingly.

    8. On page 10, line 8, after "a", insert "special".

    9. On page 10, line 14, after "bonding", insert ", eminent domain".

    10. On page 12, strike lines 10 through 18, strike line 19 through the period and insert in lieu thereof:

          "A. The provisions of Sections 22-5-1, 22-5-1.1, 22-5-3, 22-5-3.1 and 22-5-9 NMSA 1978 notwithstanding, the school shall be governed by a board of education of nine members who are qualified electors of the state. Five members shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate, at least three of whom shall be selected from a list of names provided by the New Mexico school for the arts art institute. Four members shall be appointed by the New Mexico legislative council. In making the appointments the governor and the New Mexico legislative council shall give due consideration to the ethnic makeup of the state and the geographic distribution of the appointees to ensure broad representation from across the state and shall consider the education and experience of candidates in the fields of art, education and finance. No more than two members shall be appointed from the same county, and no more than five members shall be from the same political party.".

    11. On pages 15 through 18, strike Section 10 in its entirety.

    12. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly.

    13. On page 22, line 19, strike "congressional districts" and insert in lieu thereof "areas of the state".

    14. On page 22, line 24, after "governor", insert "and the New Mexico legislative council".,

and thence referred to the FINANCE COMMITTEE.

                               Respectfully submitted,

                               ___________________________________                               William P. Soules, Chairman

Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________

          (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

                  Date ________________________

The roll call vote was 5 For 4 Against

Yes:      5

No:       Brandt, Fulfer, Gould, Soules

Excused: None

Absent:   None

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