55th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - second session, 2022


Marian Matthews and Debra M. Sariñana and Christine Trujillo









     WHEREAS, as of July 2019, the United States census bureau reported that the population of New Mexico was two million ninety-six thousand eight hundred twenty-nine residents; and

     WHEREAS, disparities exist for overall health across the United States, with roughly seventeen percent of the population reporting a health status of fair or poor; and

     WHEREAS, health disparities among New Mexicans exceed this national average, with more than twenty percent of the population reporting a health status of fair or poor; and

     WHEREAS, the health disparities in New Mexico are greater among Hispanics, Black or African Americans and American Indians; and

     WHEREAS, approximately eleven percent of New Mexicans have been diagnosed with diabetes; and

     WHEREAS, diabetes was the sixth-leading cause of death overall in New Mexico in 2016; and

     WHEREAS, in the same year, diabetes-related deaths were reported in higher rates for Asian and Pacific Islanders, Hispanics and American Indians and Black and African Americans, exceeding the rates among Caucasian New Mexicans; and

     WHEREAS, New Mexico has the highest percentage of child poverty of any state, with twenty-nine percent living in poverty; and

     WHEREAS, approximately eighteen percent of all New Mexico households were food insecure in 2019; and

     WHEREAS, a child who lives in a food-insecure household is five times more likely to develop childhood obesity than a child who lives in a food-secure household; and

     WHEREAS, in 2017 and 2018, thirty-two percent of New Mexico teens were overweight or obese, surpassing the national average; and

     WHEREAS, rates of overweight or obese status in children continue to remain high across grades, genders, races and ethnicities; and

     WHEREAS, the standard children's meal sold at a fast food establishment includes food items and a beverage, sold together at a single price; and

     WHEREAS, sugar-laden beverages are associated with occurrences of obesity, type two diabetes and heart disease, among other conditions; and

     WHEREAS, a default beverage is the beverage that is automatically included or offered as a part of a children's meal, absent a specific request by the purchaser for an alternative; and

     WHEREAS, a healthy default beverage option in a children's meal includes water; beverages with no added or artificial sweeteners; nonfat or one-percent milk or nondairy alternatives in a serving size containing no more than eight ounces; or one-hundred-percent juice or fruit juice combined with water or carbonated water in a serving size of no more than six ounces; and

     WHEREAS, the department of health encourages state and local agency collaboration to implement sustainable obesity prevention initiatives, including increased opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity among preschool-age and elementary school-age children; and

     WHEREAS, the New Mexico restaurant association is working with the American diabetes association to encourage restaurants to provide healthy drink choices for children's meals;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that food establishments be encouraged to sell children's meals that include healthy beverage options; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the diabetes prevention and control program of the department of health be requested to engage in marketing to restaurants regarding the importance of providing healthy beverage options in children's meals; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the diabetes prevention and control program of the department of health be requested to present to the interim legislative health and human services committee by December 1, 2022; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this memorial be transmitted to the diabetes prevention and control program of the department of health.

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