56th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2023


Janelle Anyanonu









     WHEREAS, on March 4, 2023, the nation will celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of the inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as the thirty-second president; and

     WHEREAS, on the day following his inauguration, President Roosevelt announced the first of many measures that came to be called the new deal; and

     WHEREAS, the new deal was a series of programs and projects instituted during the great depression by President Roosevelt that aimed to restore prosperity to Americans; and

     WHEREAS, President Roosevelt and various cabinet secretaries immediately created a vast number of employment programs that would put thousands of destitute Americans back to work after having been severely challenged economically by the stock market crash of 1929 and during the following years of the great depression; and

     WHEREAS, over the next eight years, the government instituted a series of experimental new deal projects and programs, such as the civilian conservation corps, the works progress administration, the Tennessee valley authority and the securities and exchange commission, among others; and

     WHEREAS, President Roosevelt's new deal fundamentally changed the United States government by expanding its size and scope, especially its role in the economy; and

     WHEREAS, many of the accomplishments of these programs are still with the nation and New Mexico today, including:

          A. improvements in banking systems nationwide;

          B. the planting of thousands of trees across the nation and New Mexico to protect the remaining land that had not blown away during the vast depression-era dust storms;

          C. the development of a new economic program nationwide, social security, which was promoted by Frances Perkins, President Roosevelt's secretary of labor and the nation's first woman to serve as a cabinet secretary;

          D. the creation of ninety-seven new towns nationwide, including Bosque Farms;

          E. structural improvements in New Mexico's national parks, as well as the creation of many state, county and city parks nationwide;

          F. the creation of many New Mexico state, county and city buildings, universities, local schools and post offices, many showcasing beautiful murals and paintings that featured scenes typical of that portion of New Mexico;

          G. new highways, roads, water and sewer lines, electrical systems, airports and hospitals, including the Carrie Tingley crippled children's hospital in Truth or Consequences, which is now the New Mexico state veterans' home; and

          H. the rural electrification administration, a program that brought electricity to rural areas; and

     WHEREAS, this monumental period of American history deserves acknowledgment and to be honored for the numerous accomplishments that are still a major part of the lives of New Mexicans;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that March 6, 2023 be declared the "Ninetieth Anniversary of the New Deal Day" in the house of representatives; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this memorial be transmitted to the New Mexico chapter of the national new deal preservation association.

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