0001| AN ACT | 0002| RELATING TO MEDICAID; AMENDING SECTION 27-2A-3 NMSA 1978 (BEING LAWS | 0003| 1994, CHAPTER 87, SECTION 3); REPEALING THE MEDICAID ESTATE RECOVERY | 0004| ACT UPON ENACTMENT OF FEDERAL MEDICAID BLOCK GRANTS. | 0005| | 0006| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0007| Section 1. Section 27-2A-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1994, Chapter 87, Section 3) is | 0008| amended to read: | 0009| "27-2A-3. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Medicaid Estate Recovery Act: | 0010| A. "department" means the human services department; | 0011| B. "estate" means real and personal property and other assets of the individual | 0012| subject to probate or administration pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform Probate Code; | 0013| C. "homestead of modest value" means a property that does not exceed one | 0014| hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) in value for property tax purposes; and | 0015| D. "medical assistance" means amounts paid by the department as medical | 0016| assistance pursuant to Title 19 of the Social Security Act." | 0017| Section 2. REPEAL.--Upon the effective date of any federal statute eliminating | 0018| medicaid entitlement in favor of medicaid block grants to the states, Sections 27-2A-1 | 0019| through 27-2A-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1994, Chapter 87, Sections 1 through 9) are | 0020| repealed. |