0001| AN ACT | 0002| RELATING TO WELFARE REFORM; PROVIDING THAT LEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND | 0003| UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS RECEIVE CERTAIN SERVICES. | 0004| | 0005| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0006| Section 1. SOCIAL AND EDUCATION SERVICES--PROVIDED TO LEGAL AND | 0007| UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS.-- | 0008| A. Legal immigrants who are otherwise eligible and who | 0009| qualify under options permitted to the state by Sections 402 and 403 | 0010| of Public Law 104-193 shall be eligible to receive the following | 0011| services and programs from the state: | 0012| (1) emergency medical and health services; | 0013| (2) Title 20 social services; | 0014| (3) state child care assistance; | 0015| (4) women, infants and children nutrition programs | 0016| and other commodity benefits; and | 0017| (5) child and adult care food programs. | 0018| B. Undocumented immigrants shall be eligible to receive | 0019| emergency medical services from the state pursuant to Section 401 of | 0020| Public Law 104-193. | 0021| C. Legal immigrants may participate in the child and | 0022| adult care food program administered by the children, youth and | 0023| families department. The state shall opt out of enforcing | 0024| immigration restrictions on participation in the program. | 0025| |