0001| AN ACT | 0002| RELATING TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES; CREATING A SPECIAL ADVOCATE | 0003| PROGRAM WITHIN THE GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE ON CONCERNS OF THE HANDICAPPED | 0004| TO COORDINATE WITH PROGRAMS SERVING PEOPLE WITH MOBILITY IMPAIRMENTS. | 0005| | 0006| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0007| Section 1. SPECIAL ADVOCATE PROGRAM ESTABLISHED.-- | 0008| A. There is established within the governor's committee on | 0009| concerns of the handicapped the special advocate program. The program | 0010| shall: | 0011| (1) assist persons with mobility impairments in | 0012| achieving living arrangements that maximize independence and self- | 0013| direction; | 0014| (2) seek to improve coordination and availability of | 0015| services needed to achieve independence, including locating accessible | 0016| housing and transportation, provision and training of personal | 0017| assistants for mobility-impaired individuals and removal of | 0018| discriminatory and overly restrictive program regulations and policies | 0019| that favor institutionalization over independence; | 0020| (3) give priority to persons not eligible for | 0021| advocacy assistance from programs serving the developmentally disabled | 0022| or the elderly; of such persons, priority shall be given to those | 0023| currently residing in nursing homes who desire alternative placement; | 0024| (4) develop written procedures to coordinate with, | 0025| and avoid any duplication of effort with, the adult protective | 0001| services division of the children, youth and families department, the | 0002| office of the state long-term care ombudsman of the state agency on | 0003| aging and the community reintegration program of the long-term care | 0004| and restorative services division of the department of health; and | 0005| (5) adopt a policy of confidentiality of client | 0006| records consistent with the procedures of other entities of the state | 0007| and other programs with which it discusses individual client needs. | 0008| B. Any entity of the state, or any program receiving | 0009| state funds or that offers services paid in part by state funds, | 0010| shall provide to the special advocate any requested information | 0011| the entity or program possesses on eligibility requirements, | 0012| availability of funds, individual plans of care, client population | 0013| characteristics or any other matter relating to services, or | 0014| barriers to service, of clients or potential clients of the | 0015| special advocate program. | 0016| |