0001| AN ACT | 0002| RELATING TO HEALTH CARE; REQUIRING MAMMOGRAMS FOR MEDICAID RECIPIENTS | 0003| TO CONFORM TO CERTAIN STANDARDS; ENACTING A NEW SECTION OF THE PUBLIC | 0004| ASSISTANCE ACT. | 0005| | 0006| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0007| Section 1. A new section of the Public Assistance Act is enacted | 0008| to read: | 0009| "MAMMOGRAMS FOR MEDICAID RECIPIENTS.--In providing coverage for | 0010| mammograms under the medicaid program, the department shall ensure | 0011| that: | 0012| A. patients will not be routinely solicited for mammograms; | 0013| and that mammograms will only be performed based on nationally | 0014| recognized standards; and | 0015| B. any fee for service payment that shall be made on | 0016| behalf of the medicaid program for a mammogram of a medicaid | 0017| recipient shall be consistent with and not exceed the usual and | 0018| customary charge that reflects the reasonable fair market value of | 0019| the cost of a mammogram." |