March 3, 1999

HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ______ to HOUSE BILL 215, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Representative Danice Picraux

1. On page 1, line 13, strike "FACULTY AND STAFF" and insert in lieu thereof "EMPLOYEES".

2. On page 1, line 18, strike "FACULTY AND STAFF MEMBERS" and insert in lieu thereof "EMPLOYEES".

3. On page 1, line 20, strike "member of the faculty or staff" and insert in lieu thereof "employee".

4. On page 1, line 22, strike "removed" and insert in lieu thereof "discharged or terminated from employment,".

5. On page 4, line 21, after the period strike the quotation mark.

6. On page 4, between lines 21 and 22, insert the following new subsection:

"D. As used in this section:

(1) "employee" means a regular, full-time faculty or nonmanagerial or nonsupervisory staff member who has been rehired for a second consecutive calendar year with a public post-secondary institution or a regular part-time faculty or nonmanagerial or nonsupervisory staff member with two or more years of service with a public post-secondary institution;

(2) "discharge" means the act of severing the employment relationship with an employee prior to the end of an

employee's term of employment; and

(3) "terminate" means the act of not rehiring an employee for the ensuing year or, in the case of an employee who is not issued a written contract, the act of severing the employment relationship with the employee."".


Danice Picraux

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ___________________________

 (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

Date ________________