WHEREAS, New Mexico has been at the forefront of scientific endeavors for over fifty years and has achieved recognition as having some of the finest multi-program scientific research laboratories in the world; and

WHEREAS, Los Alamos national laboratory and Sandia national laboratories have made an enormous contribution to the safety and security of the United States and have helped to maintain the United States' preeminent position in research and development worldwide; and

WHEREAS, these laboratories, working with the New Mexico legislature, have developed programs that have had a substantial impact on and benefited northern New Mexico and the state as a whole; and

WHEREAS, among the many benefits the laboratories bring to our state are the taxes paid by laboratory employees and the wide range of employment possibilities provided to New Mexico citizens statewide, including opportunities for and assistance with development of new businesses and support services related to the laboratories' operations; and

WHEREAS, Los Alamos national laboratory and Sandia national laboratories have been commended by the federal department of energy for their small business activities, including efforts to assist minority businesses by distributing as widely as possible their contract needs throughout New Mexico in order to aid the state's economic development; and

WHEREAS, the laboratories have also partnered with hundreds of entities in community and educational outreach efforts involving both technology transfer and computer programs;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that Tuesday, January 23, 2001, be designated "National Laboratories Economic Development Day" and that Los Alamos national laboratory and Sandia national laboratories be honored for their dedicated service to the scientific and technological communities of the world and to New Mexico for their continued partnership with the citizens of our state; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that congratulations be extended to Los Alamos national laboratory and Sandia national laboratories for more than fifty years of accomplishments in service to humanity; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be transmitted to the directors of the Los Alamos national laboratory and Sandia national laboratories, the secretary of the federal department of energy and each member of

New Mexico's congressional delegation.