Section 1. SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as
the “General Appropriation Act of 2002".
Section 2. DEFINITIONS.‑‑As used in
the General Appropriation Act of 2002:
A. “agency” means an office, department, agency, institution, board,
bureau, commission, court, district attorney, council or committee of state
B. “efficiency” means the measure of the degree to which services are
efficient and productive and which is often expressed in terms of dollars or
time per unit of output;
C. “expenditures” means costs, expenses, encumbrances and other financing
uses, other than refunds authorized by law, recognized in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles for the legally authorized budget
amounts and budget period;
D. “explanatory” means information that can help users to understand
reported performance measures and to evaluate the significance of underlying
factors that may have affected the reported information;
E. “federal funds” means any payments by the United States government to state
government or agencies except those payments made in accordance with the
federal Mineral Lands Leasing Act;
F. “full-time equivalent” or “FTE” means one or more authorized positions that together
receive compensation for not more than two thousand eighty-eight hours worked
in fiscal year 2003. The calculation of
hours worked includes compensated absences but does not include overtime,
compensatory time or sick leave paid pursuant to Section 10-7-10 NMSA 1978;
G. “general fund” means that fund created by Section 6‑4‑2 NMSA
1978 and includes federal Mineral Lands Leasing Act receipts and those payments
made in accordance with federal block grants and the federal Workforce
Investment Act, but excludes the general fund operating reserve and the appropriation
contingency fund;
H. “interagency transfers” means revenue, other than internal service funds, legally
transferred from one agency to another;
I. “internal service funds” means:
(1) revenue transferred to an
agency for the financing of goods or services to another agency on a cost‑reimbursement
basis; and
(2) unencumbered balances in
agency internal service fund accounts appropriated by the General Appropriation
Act of 2002;
J. “other state funds” means:
(1) unencumbered, nonreverting
balances in agency accounts, other than in internal service funds accounts,
appropriated by the General Appropriation Act of 2002;
(2) all revenue available to agencies
from sources other than the general fund, internal service funds, interagency
transfers and federal funds; and
all revenue, the use of which is restricted by statute or agreement;
K. “outcome” means the measure of the actual impact or public benefit of
a program;
L. “output” means the measure of the volume of work completed, or the
level of actual services or products delivered by a program;
M. “performance measure” means a quantitative or qualitative indicator used to
assess a program;
N. “program” means a set of activities undertaken in accordance with a
plan of action organized to realize identifiable goals and objectives based on
legislative authorization;
O. “quality” means the measure of the quality of a good or service
produced and is often an indicator of
the timeliness, reliability or safety of services or products produced by a
P. “revenue” means all money received by an agency from sources external
to that agency, net of refunds and other correcting transactions, other than
from issue of debt, liquidation of investments or as agent or trustee for other
governmental entities or private persons;
Q. “target” means the expected level of performance of a program’s performance measures; and
R. “unforeseen federal funds” means a source of federal funds or an increased amount of
federal funds that could not have been reasonably anticipated or known during
the first extraordinary session of the forty-fifth legislature and, therefore,
could not have been requested by an agency or appropriated by the legislature.
A. Amounts set out under column headings are
expressed in thousands of dollars.
B. Amounts set out under column headings are
appropriated from the source indicated by the column heading. All amounts set out under the column heading “Internal Service Funds/Interagency Transfers” indicate an intergovernmental transfer and do not represent
a portion of total state government appropriations. All information designated as “Totals” or “Subtotals” are provided for information
and are not appropriations.
C. Amounts set out in Section 4 of the General
Appropriation Act of 2002, or so much as may be necessary, are appropriated
from the indicated source for expenditure in fiscal year 2003 for the objects
D. Unencumbered balances in agency accounts
remaining at the end of fiscal year 2002 shall revert to the general fund by
October 1, 2002, unless otherwise indicated in the General Appropriation Act of
2002 or otherwise provided by law.
E. Unencumbered balances in agency accounts
remaining at the end of fiscal year 2003 shall revert to the general fund by
October 1, 2003, unless otherwise indicated in the General Appropriation Act of
2002 or otherwise provided by law.
F. The state budget division shall monitor
revenue received by agencies from sources other than the general fund and shall
reduce the operating budget of any agency whose revenue from such sources is
not meeting projections. The state
budget division shall notify the legislative finance committee of any operating
budget reduced pursuant to this subsection.
G. Except as otherwise specifically stated in
the General Appropriation Act of 2002, appropriations are made in that act for
the expenditures of agencies and for other purposes as required by existing law
for fiscal year 2003. If any other act
of the second session or the first extraordinary session of the forty‑fifth
legislature changes existing law with regard to the name or responsibilities of
an agency or the name or purpose of a fund or distribution, the appropriation
made in the General Appropriation Act of 2002 shall be transferred from the
agency, fund or distribution to which an appropriation has been made as
required by existing law to the appropriate agency, fund or distribution
provided by the new law.
H. In August, October, December and May of
fiscal year 2003, the department of finance and administration, in consultation
with the staff of the legislative finance committee and other agencies, shall
prepare and present revenue estimates to the legislative finance
committee. If these revenue estimates
indicate that revenues and transfers to the general fund, excluding transfers
to the general fund operating reserve, the appropriation contingency fund or
the state-support reserve fund are not expected to meet appropriations from the
general fund as of the end of fiscal year 2003, then the department shall
present a plan to the legislative finance committee that outlines the methods
by which the administration proposes to address the deficit.
I. Pursuant to Sections 6-3-23 through 6-3-25
NMSA 1978, agencies whose revenue from unforeseen federal funds, state board of
finance loans, revenue appropriated by other acts of the legislature, or gifts,
grants, donations, bequests, insurance settlements, refunds, or payments into
revolving funds exceeds specifically appropriated amounts may request budget
increases from the state budget division.
If approved by the state budget division, such money is appropriated. In approving a budget increase from
unforeseen federal funds, the director of the state budget division shall
advise the legislative finance committee as to the source of the federal funds
and the source and amount of any matching funds required.
J. For fiscal year 2003, the number of permanent
and term full-time-equivalent positions specified for each agency shows the
maximum number of employees intended by the legislature for that agency, unless
another provision of the General Appropriation Act of 2002 or another act of
the second session or the first extraordinary session of the forty-fifth
legislature provides for additional employees.
K. Except for gasoline credit cards used solely
for operation of official vehicles and telephone credit cards used solely for
official business, none of the appropriations contained in the General
Appropriation Act of 2002 may be expended for payment of credit card invoices.
L. To prevent unnecessary spending, expenditures
from the General Appropriation Act of 2002 for gasoline for state‑owned
vehicles at public gasoline service stations shall be made only for self‑service
gasoline; provided that a state agency head may provide exceptions from the
requirement to accommodate disabled persons or for other reasons the public
interest may require.
M. When approving operating budgets based on
appropriations in the General Appropriation Act of 2002, the state budget
division is specifically authorized to approve only those budgets that are in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for the purpose of
properly classifying other financing sources and uses, including interfund,
intrafund and interagency transfers.
guidelines developed by the state budget division, in consultation with the
legislative finance committee, each agency for which performance measures are
established in this section shall file a report with the state budget division
and the legislative finance committee analyzing the agency's performance
relative to the performance measures and targets in this section. The reports shall be submitted quarterly for
certain performance measures and after the end of fiscal year 2003 for the
remaining measures. The state budget
division, in consultation with the legislative finance committee, shall develop
a list of key performance measures for quarterly reporting. The reports shall compare actual performance
for the report period with targeted performance based on the level of funding
appropriated. In developing guidelines for the submission of agency performance
reports, the state budget division, in consultation with the legislative
finance committee, shall establish standards for the reporting of variances
between actual and targeted performance levels.
The quarterly and year-end reports for the period ending June 30, 2003,
shall be filed with the state budget division and the legislative finance
committee on or before September 1, 2003.
It is the intent of the
legislature to continue to improve implementation of the Accountability in
Government Act by emphasizing measures that are meaningful to the public and
measures that cross agency lines by including them in the General Appropriation
Act of 2002. The legislature expects
implementation of the Accountability in Government Act to improve as additional
agencies submit performance-based budget requests and as agencies, the
department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee
continue to cooperate on the development of programs, performance measures and
targets. For those agencies that have
already submitted performance-based-program budgets, the legislature expects
continued refinement of measures to improve their consistency, reliability and
relevance, and continued emphasis on defining and measuring the constituent
activities of a program.
Unless explicitly stated
otherwise, each of the program measures and the associated targets contained in
this section reflect performance to be achieved for fiscal year 2003. In cases
where there are no targets for output, outcome, efficiency or quality measures,
agencies are expected to develop baseline data for fiscal year 2003 and to
propose targets when submitting budget requests for fiscal year 2004.
In concert with the annual
agency strategic planning process required by the state budget
division, the state budget
division shall require the state agency on aging, human services department,
labor department, department of health, and the children, youth and families
department to coordinate their strategic plans, including internal and external
assessments and development of programs and performance measures.
(1) Legislative maintenance
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,873.3 1,873.3
(b) Contractual services 100.2 100.2
(c) Other 905.1 905.1
(d) Other financing uses 1.2 1.2
Authorized FTE: 45.00 Permanent; 3.00 Temporary
(2) Energy council dues:
Appropriations: 32.0 32.0
(3) Legislative retirement:
Appropriations: 226.0 226.0
Subtotal 3,137.8
TOTAL LEGISLATIVE 3,137.8 3,137.8
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 498.1 498.1
(b) Contractual services 318.8 318.8
(c) Other 529.0 529.0
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 8.00 Permanent
Subtotal 1,346.0
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 162.9 162.9
(b) Contractual services 915.0 40.0 955.0
(c) Other 131.6 38.0 169.6
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 3.00 Permanent
Subtotal 1,287.6
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 265.2 265.2
(b) Contractual services 23.6 23.6
(c) Other 88.1 88.1
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 4.00 Permanent
Subtotal 377.0
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 3,913.7 3,913.7
(b) Contractual services 89.4 89.4
(c) Other 333.8 333.8
(d) Other financing uses 1.2 1.2
Authorized FTE: 58.00 Permanent
Subtotal 4,338.1
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,862.3 1,862.3
(b) Contractual services 125.2 125.2
(c) Other 168.4 168.4
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 29.00 Permanent
Subtotal 2,156.5
(1) Administrative support:
The purpose of the
administrative support program is to provide support to the chief justice, all
judicial branch units and the administrative office of the courts so that they
can effectively administer the New Mexico court system.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,716.0 1,716.0
(b) Contractual services 3,361.7 3,361.7
(c) Other 3,228.1 650.0 3,878.1
(d) Other financing uses 1,269.5 1,269.5
Authorized FTE: 27.50 Permanent; 1.50 Term
Performance Measures:
(a) Quality: Percent of magistrate
court financial reports submitted to
fiscal services division and
reconciled on a monthly basis 100%
(b) Outcome: Percent of jury summons
successfully executed 90%
(c) Output: Average cost per juror $250
(d) Output: Number of attorneys
contracted by the court-appointed
attorney fee fund 30
(e) Output: Number of required events
attended by attorneys in abuse
and neglect cases 3,500
(f) Output: Number of monthly
supervised child visitations per district 35
(g) Output: Number of cases to which
court-appointed special advocate
volunteers are assigned 1,275
(2) Statewide judiciary
The purpose of the statewide
judiciary automation program is to provide development, enhancement,
maintenance and support for core court automation and usage skills for
appellate, district, magistrate and municipal courts, and ancillary judicial
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,366.4 1,800.0 3,166.4
(b) Contractual services 25.0 188.6 213.6
(c) Other 3,351.1 3,351.1
(d) Other financing uses 1.0 1.0
Authorized FTE: 35.50 Permanent; 11.00 Term
Performance Measures:
(a) Quality: Percent reduction in
number of complaints received from
judicial agencies regarding the
case management database
and network 25%
(b) Quality: Percent of DWI court
reports accurate 98%
(c) Quality: Average time to respond
to automation calls for assistance,
in minutes 30
(d) Output: Number of help desk calls
for assistance provided to the
judiciary 6,050
(3) Warrant enforcement:
The purpose of the warrant
enforcement program is to enforce outstanding bench warrants and to collect
outstanding fines, fees and costs in the magistrate courts so they may uphold
judicial integrity.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,314.1 1,314.1
(b) Contractual services 17.0 17.0
(c) Other 225.5 225.5
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 42.00 Term
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Total number bench warrants
issued 38,000
(b) Outcome: Amount of bench warrant
revenue collected annually, in
millions $1.4
(c) Output: Number of cases in which
bench warrant fees are collected
(4) Magistrate courts:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 12,025.7 500.0 12,525.7
(b) Contractual services 55.1 55.1
(c) Other 3,950.8 3,950.8
(d) Other financing uses 5.1 5.1
Authorized FTE: 258.00 Permanent; 14.00 Term
Subtotal 35,051.5
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 396.0 396.0
(b) Contractual services 82.9 82.9
(c) Other 157.1 157.1
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 12.00 Permanent
Subtotal 636.3
(1) First judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 3,617.2 114.3 170.3 3,901.8
(b) Contractual services 380.1 26.8 96.9 503.8
(c) Other 302.1 124.9 15.5 442.5
(d) Other financing uses 2.0 1.0 3.0
Authorized FTE: 65.50 Permanent; 5.50 Term
(2) Second judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 14,030.1 520.6 457.0 15,007.7
(b) Contractual services 228.8 26.9 2.7 258.4
(c) Other 1,247.5 111.4 53.6 1,412.5
(d) Other financing uses 5.4 .2 .2 5.8
Authorized FTE: 270.50 Permanent; 16.00 Term
(3) Third judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,848.6 40.6 248.4 3,137.6
(b) Contractual services 555.2 28.5 139.9 723.6
(c) Other 225.4 11.9 49.7 287.0
Authorized FTE: 53.00 Permanent; 8.00 Term
The general fund appropriation
to the third judicial district of the district courts in the personal services
and employee benefits and the other categories includes seventy-four thousand
dollars ($74,000) for a permanent grant accountant position.
(4) Fourth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 919.8 919.8
(b) Contractual services 2.5 14.7 17.2
(c) Other 94.0 94.0
(d) Other financing uses 35.4 35.4
Authorized FTE: 19.00 Permanent
(5) Fifth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 3,302.6 3,302.6
(b) Contractual services 183.2 57.0 322.9 563.1
(c) Other 371.5 3.0 374.5
(d) Other financing uses 1.3 1.3
Authorized FTE: 63.50 Permanent
(6) Sixth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,009.8 50.1 1,059.9
(b) Contractual services 197.0 47.5 90.0 334.5
(c) Other 143.9 19.9 163.8
(d) Other financing uses .4
Authorized FTE: 20.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term
(7) Seventh judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,198.6 1,198.6
(b) Contractual services 63.4 10.0 73.4
(c) Other 151.0 151.0
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 23.50 Permanent
(8) Eighth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,192.7 1,192.7
(b) Contractual services 338.2 30.0 75.6 443.8
(c) Other 141.2 141.2
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 21.50 Permanent
(9) Ninth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,406.3 245.6 1,651.9
(b) Contractual services 137.0 23.5 123.4 283.9
(c) Other 239.5 1.5 28.2 269.2
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 24.50 Permanent; 3.50 Term
(10) Tenth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 483.2 483.2
(b) Contractual services 6.8 2.7 9.5
(c) Other 67.9 67.9
(d) Other financing uses 15.2 15.2
Authorized FTE: 9.10 Permanent
(11) Eleventh judicial
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,609.7 2,609.7
(b) Contractual services 166.7 50.4 92.5 202.0 511.6
(c) Other 338.2 10.6 64.2 413.0
(d) Other financing uses 1.0 1.0
Authorized FTE: 51.00 Permanent; 3.00 Term
(12) Twelfth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,556.6 67.6 1,624.2
(b) Contractual services 28.1 26.5 75.6 151.4 281.6
(c) Other 184.9 13.0 33.1 231.0
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 29.50 Permanent; 1.00 Term
(13) Thirteenth judicial
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,226.1 2,226.1
(b) Contractual services 46.2 51.0 60.0 157.2
(c) Other 254.1 4.0 258.1
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 43.00 Permanent
Subtotal 46,848.0
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 11,076.2 1,765.3 12,841.5
(b) Contractual services 1,144.5 373.0 1,517.5
(c) Other 1,903.7 351.2 2,254.9
(d) Other financing uses 5.0 5.0
Authorized FTE: 238.00 Permanent; 43.00 Term;
1.50 Temporary
Subtotal 16,618.9
(1) First judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,816.6 91.8 96.9 3,005.3
(b) Contractual services 20.3 21.3 41.6
(c) Other 189.4 10.0 199.4
Authorized FTE: 53.50 Permanent; 4.50 Term
(2) Second judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 11,318.0 620.6 216.8 12,155.4
(b) Contractual services 90.7 90.7
(c) Other 1,046.4 1,046.4
(d) Other financing uses 4.5 4.5
Authorized FTE: 231.00 Permanent; 26.00 Term
(3) Third judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,476.7 443.4 2,920.1
(b) Contractual services 31.1 31.1
(c) Other 197.9 12.8 210.7
(d) Other financing uses 1.0 1.0
Authorized FTE: 45.50 Permanent; 10.00 Term
(4) Fourth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,695.1 73.0 98.8 1,866.9
(b) Contractual services 51.0 51.0
(c) Other 205.7 205.7
(d) Other financing uses 4.4 4.4
Authorized FTE: 31.50 Permanent; 3.30 Term
(5) Fifth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,428.5 32.1 94.6 2,555.2
(b) Contractual services 62.0 62.0
(c) Other 318.1 1.5 319.6
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 48.00 Permanent; 4.00 Term
(6) Sixth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,284.5 284.4 124.4 1,693.3
(b) Contractual services 55.6 55.6
(c) Other 118.8 4.2 6.7 129.7
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 23.00 Permanent; 8.00 Term
(7) Seventh judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,500.6 1,500.6
(b) Contractual services 49.0 49.0
(c) Other 142.7 142.7
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 30.00 Permanent
(8) Eighth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,670.2 1,670.2
(b) Contractual services 12.9 12.9
(c) Other 225.8 225.8
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 29.00 Permanent
(9) Ninth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,556.7 1,556.7
(b) Contractual services 3.2 4.0 7.2
(c) Other 166.9 12.3 179.2
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 30.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term
(10) Tenth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 593.7 593.7
(b) Contractual services 2.3 2.3
(c) Other 60.8 60.8
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 10.00 Permanent
(11) Eleventh judicial district—Farmington office:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,003.0 152.2 48.1 2,203.3
(b) Contractual services 5.5 5.5
(c) Other 128.7 3.7 13.5 145.9
(d) Other financing uses 1.0 1.0
Authorized FTE: 44.00 Permanent; 3.80 Term
(12) Eleventh judicial district—Gallup office:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,313.0 88.0 1,401.0
(b) Contractual services 6.0 6.0
(c) Other 103.3 103.3
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 27.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term
(13) Twelfth judicial district:
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,729.1 304.0 2,033.1
(b) Contractual services 4.9 6.4 11.3
(c) Other 196.8 24.6 221.4
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 34.50 Permanent; 6.50 Term
(14) Thirteenth judicial
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,186.9 2,186.9
(b) Contractual services 29.5 29.5
(c) Other 204.4 204.4
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 47.50 Permanent
Subtotal 41,209.3
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 489.1 489.1
(b) Contractual services 3.6 3.6
(c) Other 379.0 220.0 599.0
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 8.00 Permanent
The general fund appropriations
to the administrative office of the district attorneys are contingent on the
district attorneys association developing a strategic plan and an annual action
plan by September 1, 2002.
Subtotal 1,091.9
TOTAL JUDICIAL 131,737.0 13,439.8 3,687.5 2,096.8 150,961.1
(1) Legal services:
The purpose of the legal
services program is to deliver quality legal services, such as opinions,
counsel and representation to state governmental entities and to enforce state
law on behalf of the public so that New Mexicans have open, honest and
efficient government and enjoy the protection of state law.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 9,380.2 48.0 9,428.2
(b) Contractual services 466.8 466.8
(c) Other 365.4 900.7 1,266.1
(d) Other financing uses 2.6 2.6
Authorized FTE: 141.00 Permanent
The internal service
funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the legal services program of the
attorney general include forty-eight thousand dollars ($48,000) from the
medicaid fraud program.
All revenue generated from antitrust cases
and consumer protection settlements through the attorney general on behalf of
the state, political subdivisions or private citizens shall revert to the
general fund.
The other state funds appropriation to the
legal services program of the attorney general includes nine hundred thousand
seven hundred dollars ($900,700) from the consumer settlement fund.
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Number of crime victims
receiving information and advocacy 305
(b) Outcome: Percent of initial responses
to requests for attorney
general opinions made within
three days 100%
(2) Medicaid fraud:
The purpose of the medicaid
fraud division program is to detect, investigate, audit and prosecute medicaid
provider fraud and medicaid facility resident abuse and neglect.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 235.1 677.4 912.5
(b) Contractual services 5.7 16.3 22.0
(c) Other 39.8 114.6 154.4
(d) Other financing uses 33.5 33.5
Authorized FTE: 13.00 Term
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Ratio of total medicaid
fraud division recoveries per year
to medicaid fraud division
state general funds 2:1
(3) Guardianship services:
The purpose of the guardianship
services program is to provide court-appointed guardianship, conservatorship
and other surrogate decision-making services to incapacitated income and
resource-eligible adults through contracts with private, community-based
entities statewide.
(a) Contractual services 1,867.0 1,867.0
The general fund appropriation
to the guardianship services program of the attorney general in the contractual
services category includes one million eight hundred sixty-seven thousand
dollars ($1,867,000) to be used to contract out all duties, including management
and oversight, necessary to ensure that quality guardianship services are
provided. All contracts issued under
this program are contingent upon the approval of joint protocol, pursuant to
the provisions of Section 24-1-5 NMSA 1978.
Quarterly reports, to be defined by contract, will be provided to all
interested parties.
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average cost per client $2,675
Subtotal 14,153.1
The purpose of the state
auditor program is to meet its constitutional responsibilities by auditing the
financial affairs of every agency annually so they can improve accountability
and performance and assure the citizens of New Mexico that they are expending
funds properly.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,712.5 248.0 1,960.5
(b) Contractual services 110.3 110.3
(c) Other 197.6 213.1 410.7
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 30.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of audits complete
by regulatory due date 70%
(b) Efficiency: Percent of agency auditor
selection requests processed
within five days of receipt 90%
Subtotal 2,482.1
(1) Tax Administration Act:
The purpose of the tax
administration act program is to provide registration and licensure
requirements for tax programs and to ensure the administration, collection and
compliance of state taxes and fees that provide funding for support services
for the general public through appropriations.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 16,331.5 278.0 893.4 17,502.9
(b) Contractual services 304.0 304.0
(c) Other 4,731.7 387.7 176.6 5,296.0
Authorized FTE: 400.00 Permanent; 17.00 Term;
31.70 Temporary
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Number of federal oil
and gas audits performed 30
(b) Output: Number of field audits
performed for corporate income tax
and combined reporting system 376
(c) Outcome: Number of dollars assessed
as a result of audits, in
millions $37
(d) Output: Number of electronically
filed returns processed 250,000
(e) Outcome: Percent of assessment
payments collected compared with the
uncollected balance 17%
(f) Efficiency: Average cost per audit
(g) Explanatory: Percent of auditor positions
filled per month compared with
approved FTE 90%
(h) Output: Number of international
fuel tax agreement and
international rate program audits conducted 240
(2) Motor vehicle:
The purpose of the motor
vehicle program is to register, title and license commercial and noncommercial
vehicles, boats and motor vehicle dealers and to ensure commercial and
noncommercial motor vehicle operators comply with the Motor Vehicle Code, Code
of Federal Regulations and other mandates.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 9,615.9 532.0 10,147.9
(b) Contractual services 175.4 1,790.6 1,966.0
(c) Other 1,522.6 1,263.0 2,785.6
Authorized FTE: 273.00 Permanent; 4.00 Term;
4.00 Temporary
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of registered
vehicles having liability insurance 80%
(b) Output: Number of transactions
completed through mail and
electronic means 35,750
(c) Output: Number of eight-year
drivers' licenses issued 125,781
(d) Efficiency: Average wait time in
high-volume field offices, in minutes 15
(e) Efficiency: Average number of days to
post a DWI citation to a driver's
record 15
(3) Property tax:
The purpose of the property tax
program is to administer the Property Tax Code, to ensure the fair appraisal of
property and to assess property taxes.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 885.8 1,129.4 2,015.2
(b) Contractual services 38.4 127.8 166.2
(c) Other 133.0 551.1 684.1
Authorized FTE: 44.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Number of appraisals or
valuations for corporations
conducting business within the state 435
(b) Outcome: Percent of resolved accounts
resulting from delinquent
property tax sales 70%
(c) Outcome: Number of counties achieving
an eighty-five percent minimum
of assessed value to sales price 28
(4) Program support:
The purpose of program support
is to provide information system resources, human resource services, finance
and accounting services, revenue forecasting and legal services in order to
give agency personnel the resources needed to meet departmental
objectives. For the general public, the
program provides a hearing process for resolving taxpayer protests and provides
stakeholders with reliable information regarding the state’s tax programs.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 11,576.5 178.1 317.1 12,071.7
(b) Contractual services 580.2 440.0 186.2 1,206.4
(c) Other 7,421.9 600.0 169.2 8,191.1
(d) Other financing uses 18.2 18.2
Authorized FTE: 210.00 Permanent; 4.00 Term
The appropriations to program
support of the taxation and revenue department are contingent on the
reinstatement and full implementation of the personal income tax tape match
project beginning with tax year 1999 by March 1, 2002.
Subtotal 62,355.3
(1) State investment:
The purpose of the state
investment program is to provide investment management of the state's permanent
funds for the citizens of New Mexico in order to maximize distributions to the
state's operating budget while preserving the real value of the funds for
future generations of New Mexicans.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,777.4 1,777.4
(b) Contractual services 22,254.7 22,254.7
(c) Other 503.4 503.4
(d) Other financing uses 1,150.5 1,150.5
Authorized FTE: 23.00 Permanent
The other state funds
appropriation to the state investment council in the other financing uses
category includes one million one hundred fifty thousand five hundred dollars
($1,150,500) for payment of custody services associated with the fiscal agent
contract to the state board of finance upon monthly assessments. Unexpended or unencumbered balances from this
appropriation remaining in the state board of finance at the end of fiscal year
2003 shall revert to the state investment council.
The other state funds appropriation to the
state investment council in the contractual services category includes
twenty-two million ninety thousand six hundred dollars ($22,090,600) to be used
only for money manager fees.
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Number of basis points that
the annual investment
performance of the state's
permanent funds will outperform
benchmarks established by the
state investment council 25
(b) Outcome: Investment returns of the
state's permanent funds as
compared to the composite
benchmark returns for the
portfolio +/-2.5%
(c) Efficiency: Annual cost of administrative
fund as a percent of funds
under management 0.55%
(d) Output: Number of new companies
invested in by the New Mexico
private equity fund 5
Subtotal 25,686.0
(1) Policy development, fiscal
and budget analysis and oversight:
The purpose of the policy
development, fiscal analysis and budget oversight program is to provide
professional, coordinated policy development and analysis and oversight to the
governor, the legislature, and state agencies so they can advance the state's
policies and initiatives using appropriate and accurate data to make informed
decisions for the prudent use of the public's tax dollars.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,186.4 2,186.4
(b) Contractual services 105.5 105.5
(c) Other 167.2 167.2
(d) Other financing uses 3.0 3.0
Authorized FTE: 31.80 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of general fund
reserve levels of recurring
appropriations in the executive
budget recommendation 8%
(b) Outcome: Error rate for
eighteen-month general fund revenue forecast 3%
(c) Outcome: Percent of state budget
division's Accountability in
Government Act statutory
deadlines met 100%
(d) Outcome: Average number of days to
approve or disapprove budget
adjustment requests 5
(2) Community development,
local government assistance and fiscal oversight:
The purpose of the community
development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program is to
provide federal and state oversight assistance to counties, municipalities and
special districts with planning, implementation, development and fiscal
management so that entities can maintain strong, viable, lasting communities.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,492.8 405.6 553.1 2,451.5
(b) Contractual services 25.2 25.5 37.3 88.0
(c) Other 103.7 63.9 114.6 282.2
Authorized FTE: 26.50 Permanent; 16.50 Term
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Percent of community
development block grant closeout
letters issued within
forty-five days of review of final
report 65%
(b) Output: Percent of capital outlay
projects closed within the
original reversion date 60%
(3) Fiscal management and
The purpose of the fiscal
management and oversight program is to provide for and promote financial
accountability for public funds throughout state government and to provide state
government agencies and the citizens of New Mexico with timely, factual and
comprehensive information on the financial status and expenditures of the
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,679.7 2,679.7
(b) Contractual services 366.1 366.1
(c) Other 1,342.8 1,342.8
Authorized FTE: 51.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Quality: Average number of
business days required to process payments 5
(b) Output: Percent of time the
central payroll system is operational 100%
(c) Output: Percent of time the
central accounting system is operational 95%
(4) Program support:
The purpose of program support
is to provide other department of finance and administration programs with
central direction to agency management processes to ensure consistency, legal
compliance and financial integrity; to administer the executive's exempt salary
plan; and to review and approve professional services contracts.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,098.4 1,098.4
(b) Contractual services 70.0 70.0
(c) Other 113.9 113.9
Authorized FTE: 19.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of employee files
that contain final performance
appraisal development plans
completed by employees'
anniversary dates 95%
(b) Output: Percent of department
fund accounts that are reconciled
within two months following the
closing of each month 100%
(5) Dues and membership
fees/special appropriations:
(a) Council of state governments 77.5 77.5
(b) Western interstate commission
for higher education 103.0 103.0
(c) Education commission of the
states 51.7 51.7
(d) Rocky mountain corporation
for public broadcasting 13.1 13.1
(e) National association of
state budget officers 9.6 9.6
(f) National conference of state
legislatures 96.3 96.3
(g) Western governors'
association 36.0 36.0
(h) Cumbres and Toltec scenic
railroad commission 10.0 10.0
(i) Commission on
intergovernmental relations 6.6 6.6
(j) Governmental accounting
standards board 20.7 20.7
(k) National center for state
courts 76.6 76.6
(l) National governors'
association 56.2 56.2
(m) Citizens review board 310.0 108.6 418.6
(n) Emergency water fund 45.0 45.0
(o) Fiscal agent contract 900.0 2,757.2 3,657.2
(p) New Mexico water resources
association 6.6 6.6
(q) Enhanced emergency 911 fund 1,100.0 2,900.0 4,000.0
(r) Emergency 911 income 4,000.0 4,000.0
(s) Emergency 911 reserve 520.0 520.0
(t) Community development
programs 20,000.0 20,000.0
(u) New Mexico community
assistance program 251.1 251.1
(v) Emergency 911 database
network surcharge 8,000.0 400.0 8,400.0
(w) State planning districts 375.0 375.0
(x) Emergency 911 principal
and interest 35.0 731.0 766.0
(y) State treasurer's audit 52.0 52.0
(z) Mentoring program 895.0 895.0
(aa) Wireless enhanced 911 fund 2,010.0 2,010.0
(bb) Civil legal services fund 1,505.0 1,505.0
(cc) DWI grants 17,800.0 200.0 18,000.0
(dd) Leasehold community
assistance 143.0 143.0
(ee) Acequia and community ditch
program 30.0 30.0
(ff) School-to-work program 1,500.0 1,500.0
Upon certification by the state
board of finance pursuant to Section 6-1-2 NMSA 1978 that a critical emergency
exists that cannot be addressed by disaster declaration or other emergency or
contingency funds, and upon review by the legislative finance committee, the
secretary of the department of finance and administration is authorized to
transfer from the general fund operating reserve to the state board of finance
emergency fund the amount necessary to meet the emergency. Such transfers shall not exceed an aggregate
amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in fiscal year 2003. Repayments of emergency loans made pursuant
to this paragraph shall be deposited in the state board of finance emergency
fund pursuant to the provisions of Section 6-1-5 NMSA 1978; provided that,
after the total amounts deposited in fiscal year 2003 exceed two hundred fifty
thousand dollars ($250,000), then any additional repayments shall be
transferred to the general fund.
Subtotal 78,086.5
(1) Benefits:
The purpose of the benefits
program is to provide an effective health insurance package to educational
employees and their eligible family members to protect them from catastrophic
financial losses due to medical problems, disability or death.
(a) Contractual services 165,643.3 165,643.3
(b) Other financing uses 507.9 507.9
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of participants
receiving recommended preventive
care 60%
(b) Efficiency: Percent variance of medical
premium change between the
public school insurance
authority and industry average </=3%
(c) Efficiency: Percent variance of dental
premium change between the
public school insurance
authority and industry average </=3%
(d) Quality: Percent of employees
expressing satisfaction with the group
health benefits 76%
(2) Risk:
The purpose of the risk program
is to provide economical comprehensive property, liability and workers’ compensation programs to educational entities to protect
them from injury and loss.
(a) Contractual services 26,459.0 26,459.0
(b) Other financing uses 507.9 507.9
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent variance of public
property premium change between
the public school insurance
authority and industry average </=8%
(b) Outcome: Percent variance of workers'
compensation premium change
between the public school
insurance authority and industry
average </=8%
(c) Outcome: Percent variance of public
liability premium change between
the public school insurance
authority and industry average </=8%
(d) Outcome: Number of workers'
compensation claims in area of ergonomics 486
(3) Program support:
The purpose of program support
is to provide administrative support for the benefit and risk programs to
assist the agency in delivering its services to its constituents.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 612.7 612.7
(b) Contractual services 163.7 163.7
(c) Other 202.4 202.4
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 10.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Efficiency: Percent of employee files
that contain performance
appraisal development plans
that were completed by employee
anniversary date 95%
(b) Efficiency: Satisfaction rating of
administrative services provided to
all programs 80%
Subtotal 194,097.2
(1) Health care benefits
The purpose of the health care
benefits administration program is to provide core group and optional
health-care benefits and life insurance to current and future eligible retirees
and their dependents so they may access covered and available core group and
optional health-care benefits and life insurance when they need them.
(a) Contractual services 122,168.7 122,168.7
(b) Other financing uses 2,462.0 2,462.0
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Number of years of
long-term actuarial solvency 15
(b) Outcome: Total revenue generated, in
millions $116.9
(c) Efficiency: Total revenue credited to the
reserve fund $0
(d) Efficiency: Total health care benefits
program claims paid, in millions $123.2
(e) Efficiency: Per participant claim cost --
non-medicare eligible $375
(f) Efficiency: Per participant claim cost
-- medicare eligible $207
(g) Efficiency: Percent of medical plan
premium subsidy 44%
(2) Program support:
The purpose of program support
is to provide administrative support for the health care benefits
administration program to assist the agency in delivering its services to its
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 933.8 933.8
(b) Contractual services 796.5 796.5
(c) Other 731.3 731.3
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 18.00 Permanent
Unexpended or unencumbered
balances in program support of the retiree health care authority remaining at
the end of fiscal year 2003 shall revert to the benefits program.
Subtotal 127,092.7
(1) Employee group health
The purpose of the employee
group health benefits program is to effectively administer comprehensive
health-benefit plans to state employees.
(a) Contractual services 11,570.0 11,570.0
(b) Other 121,700.0 121,700.0
(c) Other financing uses 811.7 811.7
Performance Measures:
(a) Quality: Percent of employees
expressing satisfaction with the group
health benefits 80%
(b) Efficiency: Percent change in medical
premium compared to the industry
average </=3%
(c) Efficiency: Percent change in dental
premium compared to the industry
average </=3%
(d) Output: Number of covered lives
in the triple option
point-of-service plan 11,000
(e) Output: Number of covered lives
in the dual option point-of-service
plan 11,000
(f) Output: Number of covered lives
in the health maintenance
organization plan 27,000
(2) Risk management:
The purpose of the risk
management program is to protect the state's assets against property, public
liability, workers' compensation, state unemployment compensation, local public
bodies unemployment compensation, and surety bond losses so that agencies can
perform their mission in an efficient and responsive manner.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,809.3 2,809.3
(b) Contractual services 515.0 515.0
(c) Other 750.0 750.0
(d) Other financing uses 397.6 397.6
Authorized FTE: 51.00 Permanent
(3) Risk management funds:
(a) Public liability 39,497.5 39,497.5
(b) Surety bond 125.5 125.5
(c) Public property reserve 3,990.3 3,990.3
(d) Local public bodies
unemployment compensation 696.4 696.4
(e) Workers' compensation
retention 11,307.5 11,307.5
(f) State unemployment
compensation 3,830.6 3,830.6
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent decrease of state
government and local public
bodies workers' compensation
claims compared with all
workers' compensation claims 6%
(b) Quality: Percent of workers'
compensation benefits recipients rating
the risk management program's
claims processing services
"satisfied" or better 20%
(c) Efficiency: Public property claims costs,
in millions $4
(d) Output: Percent of workers'
compensation claims generated
electronically 90%
(4) Information technology:
The purpose of the information
technology program is to provide quality information processing and
communication services that are both timely and cost effective so that agencies
can perform their missions in an efficient and responsive manner.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 13,871.6 13,871.6
(b) Contractual services 8,929.3 8,929.3
(c) Other 18,364.8 18,364.8
(d) Other financing uses 1,866.6 1,866.6
Authorized FTE: 235.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Efficiency: Total information processing
operating expenditures as a
percentage of revenue 100%
(b) Efficiency: Total communications
operating expenditures as a percentage
of revenue 100%
(c) Quality: Customer satisfaction with
information technology services
on a scale of one to five with one
being the lowest 4
(d) Efficiency: Total printing operating
expenditures as a percentage of
revenue 100%
(e) Quality: Percent of customers
satisfied with data and voice
communication network 85%
(f) Outcome: Percent of customers
satisfied with human resource system
data processing 85%
(g) Efficiency: Total hours of central
information processing 113,937
(5) Business office space
management and maintenance services:
The purpose of the business
office space management and maintenance services program is to provide
employees and the public with effective property management and maintenance so
that agencies can perform their mission in an efficient and responsive manner.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 4,864.1 15.6 4,879.7
(b) Contractual services 60.5 60.5
(c) Other 3,875.2 370.9 4,246.1
(d) Other financing uses 322.5 322.5
Authorized FTE: 140.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Quality: Percent of customers
satisfied with custodial and
maintenance services, as measured by
an annual survey 90%
(b) Outcome: Number of days to process
lease requests 140
(c) Output: Number of scheduled
preventive maintenance tasks 5,300
(d) Efficiency: Operating costs per square
foot in Santa Fe for state-owned
buildings $5.14
(e) Efficiency: Percent increase in average
cost per square foot of both
leased and owned office space in Santa
Fe 0%
(f) Efficiency: Percent of contractor pay
requests approved within seven
working days 95%
(6) Transportation services:
The purpose of the
transportation services program is to provide centralized and effective
administration of the state's motor pool and aircraft transportation services
so that agencies can perform their mission in an efficient and responsive
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 214.5 1,254.7 1,469.2
(b) Contractual services 2.7 108.2 110.9
(c) Other 340.5 8,536.4 8,876.9
(d) Other financing uses 24.2 2,608.2 2,632.4
Authorized FTE: 33.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Quality: Percent of customers
satisfied with lease services 80%
(b) Efficiency: Percent of vehicle lease
revenue to expenditures 100%
(c) Efficiency: Percent of aircraft revenues
to expenditures 100%
(d) Explanatory: Percent of short-term vehicle
utilization 80%
(e) Efficiency: Comparison of lease rates to
other public vehicle fleet
rates </=3%
(f) Output: Number of state-owned
passenger vehicles leased to state
agencies 2,344
(7) Procurement services:
The purpose of the procurement
services program is to provide a procurement process for tangible property for
government entities to ensure compliance with the Procurement Code so that
agencies can perform their mission in an efficient and responsive manner.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,068.9 232.8 181.3 1,483.0
(b) Contractual services 50.0 50.0
(c) Other 210.2 94.8 64.3 369.3
(d) Other financing uses 110.0 55.8 .1 165.9
Authorized FTE: 25.00 Permanent; 6.00 Term
Performance Measures:
(a) Efficiency: Average cycle-completion
times for construction projects,
in days 90
(b) Efficiency: Average cycle-completion
times for small purchases, in days 15
(c) Efficiency: Average cycle-completion
times for tangible products and
services, in days 45
(d) Quality: Percent of customers
satisfied with procurement services 85%
(e) Output: Percent increase in
small business clients 10%
(f) Efficiency: Average cycle-completion
times for information technology
projects, in days 90
(8) Program support:
The purpose of program support
is to manage the program performance process to demonstrate success.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,675.8 2,675.8
(b) Contractual services 1,712.1 1,712.1
(c) Other 584.8 584.8
(d) Other financing uses 512.9 512.9
Authorized FTE: 47.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Efficiency: Satisfaction rating of
administrative services provided to
all divisions 80%
(b) Outcome: Number of prior-year audit
findings that reoccur 0
(c) Efficiency: Percent of employee files
that contain performance
appraisal development plans that were
completed by employee
anniversary date 98%
Subtotal 271,185.7
(1) Educational retirement:
The purpose of the educational
retirement program is to provide secure retirement benefits to active and
retired members so they can have a secure monthly benefit when their career is
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,239.9 2,239.9
(b) Contractual services 5,252.0 5,252.0
(c) Other 1,054.0 1,054.0
Authorized FTE: 48.00 Permanent
The other state funds
appropriation to the educational retirement board in the contractual services
category includes four million nine hundred forty-five thousand five hundred
dollars ($4,945,500) to be used only for investment manager fees.
The other state funds appropriation to the
educational retirement board in the other category includes two hundred fifty-two
thousand dollars ($252,000) for payment of custody services associated with the
fiscal agent contract to the state board of finance upon monthly
assessments. Unexpended or unencumbered
balances from this appropriation remaining in the state board of finance at the
end of fiscal year 2003 shall revert to the educational retirement board fund.
Performance Measures:
(a) Explanatory: Funding period of unfunded
actuarial accrued liability, in
years <=30
(b) Outcome: Ranking for one-year
annualized total fund return as
recognized by Wilshire Associates
Public Fund Universe 25%
Subtotal 8,545.9
The purpose of the criminal and
juvenile justice coordinating council program is to provide information,
analysis, recommendations and assistance from a coordinated cross-agency
perspective to the three branches of government and interested citizens so that
they have the resources to make policy decisions that benefit the criminal and
juvenile justice systems.
(a) Contractual services 275.0 275.0
(b) Other
(c) Other financing uses
Subtotal 275.0
(1) Criminal legal services:
The purpose of the criminal
legal services program is to provide effective legal representation and
advocacy for eligible clients so that their liberty and constitutional rights
are protected, and to serve the community as a partner in assuring a fair and efficient
criminal justice system that also sustains New Mexico's statutory and
constitutional mandate to adequately fund a statewide indigent defense system.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 15,787.8 15,787.8
(b) Contractual services 8,425.1 415.2 8,840.3
(c) Other 4,441.8 173.0 4,614.8
(d) Other financing uses 6.2 6.2
Authorized FTE: 314.00 Permanent
Unexpended or unencumbered
balances from the general fund appropriation remaining in the public defender
department at the end of fiscal year 2003 shall not revert.
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Number of final appellate
court holdings that found
department attorneys provided
ineffective assistance of
counsel in felony cases 0
(b) Output: Average number of
contacts with felony clients, on a
monthly basis, by designated team
members 4,100
(c) Output: Percent of professional
staff that received their required
yearly continuing education credits
from the department 50%
(d) Quality: Number of alternative
sentencing treatment placements for
felony and juvenile clients 3,570
Subtotal 29,249.1
(1) Executive management and
The purpose of the executive
management and leadership program is to provide the appropriate management and
leadership on a daily basis to the citizens of the state and more specifically
to the executive branch of government to allow for more efficient and effective
operation of the agencies within that branch of government.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,676.9 1,676.9
(b) Contractual services 55.0 55.0
(c) Other 332.0 332.0
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 27.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: General fund reserve level
as a percent of recurring
appropriations in the governor's
budget recommendation 8%
(b) Output: Number of days to
appoint individuals to board and
commission positions 21
(c) Output: Number of days to answer
constituent requests for
information or refer information
requests to the proper
entity 10
(d) Output: Number of days to
respond to requests for pardons 21
(e) Output: Number of cabinet
meetings held per month 2
Subtotal 2,064.5
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 382.8 382.8
(b) Contractual services 3.8 3.8
(c) Other 60.9 60.9
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 6.00 Permanent
The general fund appropriation
to the lieutenant governor includes twenty-six thousand seven hundred dollars
($26,700) for the acting governor's compensation fund.
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of constituent
inquiries referred to the
appropriate state agency within
forty-eight business hours
of receipt 90%
(b) Output: Number of monthly
constituent tracking reports produced for
the governor on constituent
services activities 12
Subtotal 447.7
(1) Information technology
The purpose of the information
technology management program is to provide information technology strategic
planning, oversight and consulting services to New Mexico state agencies so
they can provide improved services to New Mexico citizens.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 651.8 651.8
(b) Contractual services 20.4 20.4
(c) Other 99.6 99.6
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 8.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of information
technology projects audited by staff 65%
(b) Outcome: Percent of agencies in
compliance with state information
technology strategic plan 35%
Subtotal 772.0
(1) Pension administration:
The purpose of the pension
administration program is to provide information, retirement benefits and an
actuarially sound fund to association members so they can receive the defined
benefit they are entitled to when they retire from public service.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 3,769.5 3,769.5
(b) Contractual services 17,170.7 17,170.7
(c) Other 1,975.8 1,975.8
(d) Other financing uses 1,300.4 1,300.4
Authorized FTE: 82.00 Permanent
The other state funds
appropriation to the public employees’ retirement association in the
contractual services category includes sixteen million five hundred six
thousand dollars ($16,506,000) to be used only for investment manager fees.
The other state funds appropriation to the
public employees’ retirement association in the
other financing uses category includes one million three hundred thousand
dollars ($1,300,000) for payment of custody services associated with the fiscal
agent contract to the state board of finance upon monthly assessments. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance from
this appropriation remaining in the state board of finance at the end of fiscal
year 2003 shall revert to the public employees’ retirement association income
Subtotal 24,216.4
(1) Records, information and
archival management:
The purpose of the records,
information and archival management program is to develop, implement and
provide tools, methodologies and services for use by and the benefit of
governmental agencies, historical repositories and the public, so the state can
effectively create, preserve, protect and properly dispose of records;
facilitate their use and understanding; and protect the interests of the people
of New Mexico.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,641.9 44.0 2.6 1,688.5
(b) Contractual services 25.0 5.0 30.0
(c) Other 272.3 126.9 6.4 405.6
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 34.50 Permanent; 1.50 Term
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of annual strategic
action plan items achieved or
on schedule 60%
(b) Outcome: Percent of requests for
access to public records in its
custody that the commission is
able to satisfy 98%
(c) Outcome: Percent of state agencies
with current records retention
and disposition schedules 57%
(d) Outcome: Number of days to make filed
rules available on line 60
(e) Output: Number of rules and
notices of rulemaking filed with the
commission and published in the
New Mexico register in
compliance with the State Rules
Act 1,300
(f) Outcome: Percent of all projects for
the New Mexico historical
records grant program that are
achieving stated objectives 90%
Subtotal 2,124.8
The purpose of the secretary of
state program is to provide voter education and information on election law and
government ethics to citizens, public officials, candidates and commercial and
business entities so they can comply with state law.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,718.6 1,718.6
(b) Contractual services 106.3 106.3
(c) Other 1,050.5 1,050.5
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 38.00 Permanent; 1.00 Temporary
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Response time for user
requests or complaints relating to
registered voters, voting
rights, financial disclosures,
campaign finance, financial
institution loans and general
code of conduct issues, in
hours 36
(b) Outcome: Number of new registered voters 45,000
(c) Output: Number of
spanish/english constitutional voter guides
distributed to county clerks
and voters 110,000
Subtotal 2,876.2
(1) Human resource management:
The purpose of the human
resource management program is to provide a flexible system of merit-based
opportunity, appropriate compensation, human resource accountability and
employee development that meets the evolving needs of agencies, employees, job
applicants and the public so greater economy and efficiency in the management
of state affairs may be provided, while protecting the interest of the public.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 3,262.1 3,262.1
(b) Contractual services 49.2 40.0 89.2
(c) Other 398.7 44.0 442.7
(d) Other financing uses 1.3 1.3
Authorized FTE: 67.00 Permanent
The other state funds
appropriations to the personnel board include eighty-four thousand dollars
($84,000) from the state employees career development conference fund. Unexpended or unencumbered balances remaining
in the state employees career development conference fund at the end of fiscal
year 2003 shall not revert to the general fund.
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Average employee pay as a
percent of board-approved
comparator market, based on
legislative approval 95%
(b) Outcome: Percent of managers and
supervisors completing
board-required training as a
percent of total manager and
supervisor category employees 90%
(c) Output: Percent of
agency-specific human resource audit
expectations rectified within
six months of discovery 30%
(d) Output: Average number of days
required to produce quality
employment lists 15
(e) Quality: Percent of hiring
officials satisfied with state personnel
office's employment lists 90%
Subtotal 3,795.3
The purpose of the state
treasurer program is to provide a financial environment that maintains maximum
accountability for receipt, investment and disbursement of public funds to
protect the financial interests of the citizens of New Mexico.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,472.7 35.5 2,508.2
(b) Contractual services 74.0 74.0
(c) Other 593.9 593.9
Authorized FTE: 48.50 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of investments with
a return rate that exceeds the
overnight rate 100%
(b) Outcome: Percent of interest
allocation amounts for interest account
balances provided to agencies within
thirty days of the
department of finance and
administration closing its books 100%
(c) Output: Percent of state agency
depository accounts authorized in
financial institutions 100%
(d) Output: Percent of federal Cash
Management Improvement Act audits
performed to maximize cash flow 100%
(e) Output: Percent of cash-to-books
reconciliation items processed and
adjusted to the agency fund balance
within thirty days of
closing from the department of finance
and administration 100%
Subtotal 3,176.1
TOTAL GENERAL CONTROL 135,768.7 227,584.1 464,921.8 24,407.0 852,681.6
(1) Architectural registration:
The purpose of the
architectural registration program is to protect the public by ensuring
registered architects are qualified to practice architecture.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 205.0 205.0
(b) Contractual services 10.5 10.5
(c) Other 92.7 92.7
(d) Other financing uses 1.5 1.5
Authorized FTE: 4.00 Permanent
Subtotal 309.7
(1) Border development:
The purpose of the border
development program is to provide leadership in the development of the state's
international ports of entry, advise the governor and the New Mexico finance
authority oversight committee and serve as the point of contact for those
interested in opportunities at the ports to facilitate new infrastructure,
trade opportunities, expanded job opportunities, jobs training capabilities and
all other activities that will contribute to development of a productive economy
within the New Mexico border region.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 138.0 42.1 180.1
(b) Contractual services 12.1 12.1
(c) Other 54.5 54.5
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 3.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Commercial and noncommercial
vehicular port traffic at New
Mexico ports 626,307
Subtotal 246.8
(1) Marketing:
The purpose of the marketing
program is to create and maintain an "image" or "brand" for
the state of New Mexico and influence in-state, domestic and international
markets to directly affect the positive growth and development of New Mexico as
a top tourism destination so New Mexico may increase its tourism market share.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,103.4 1,103.4
(b) Contractual services 156.6 156.6
(c) Other 4,046.7 4,046.7
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 33.50 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: New Mexico's domestic
tourism market share 1.62%
(b) Outcome: Print advertising conversion
rate 47.5%
(c) Outcome: Broadcast advertising
conversion rate 36%
(2) Promotion:
The purpose of the promotion
program is to produce and provide collateral, editorial and special events for
the consumer and trade so they may increase their awareness of New Mexico as a
premier tourist destination.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 227.1 227.1
(b) Other 218.7 218.7
Authorized FTE: 4.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of inquiries from
people planning to visit within
the next twelve months 64%
(b) Output: Number of
familiarization tours 20
(3) Outreach:
The purpose of the outreach
program is to provide constituent services for communities, regions and other
entities so they may identify their needs and get help locating resources to
fill those needs, whether internal or external to the organization.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 109.9 109.9
(b) Contractual services
(c) Other 1,101.7 1,101.7
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 2.00 Permanent
(4) New Mexico magazine:
The purpose of the New Mexico
magazine program is to produce a monthly magazine and ancillary products for a
state and global audience so the audience can learn about New Mexico from a
cultural, historical and educational perspective.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,102.6 1,102.6
(b) Contractual services 954.1 954.1
(c) Other 2,732.7 2,732.7
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 22.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Circulation rate 126,617
(b) Output: Ancillary product
revenue, in thousands $365.0
(5) New Mexico clean and
The purpose of the New Mexico
clean and beautiful program is to control litter by vesting authority in the
department to eliminate litter from the state to the maximum practical extent.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 105.8 105.8
(b) Contractual services 150.0 150.0
(c) Other 600.0 600.0
Authorized FTE: 2.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Pounds of litter removed 3,201,051
(b) Output: Number of keep america
beautiful program and community
participants/volunteers in spring
cleanup - great american
cleanup 20/44,000
(c) Output: Number of community
participants/volunteers in fall
cleanup-trek for trash 57/8,100
(6) Program support:
The purpose of program support
is to provide administrative assistance to support the department’s programs and personnel so they may be successful in
implementing and reaching their strategic initiatives and in maintaining full
compliance with state rules and regulations.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 705.6 705.6
(b) Contractual services 195.2 195.2
(c) Other 849.2 849.2
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 12.00 Permanent
Subtotal 14,361.6
(1) Community development:
The purpose of the community
development program is to assist communities in preparing for their role in the
new economy, focusing on high-quality job creation, improved infrastructure and
quality of place so New Mexicans can increase their wealth and improve their
quality of life.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 941.0 941.0
(b) Contractual services 310.0 310.0
(c) Other 681.9 681.9
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 17.00 Permanent
The general fund appropriation
to the economic development department community development program in the
other category includes two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) for cooperative
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Average hourly salary for
rural jobs created by the effects
of the agency programs $10.75
(b) Outcome: Dollar amount of private
sector investment through the main
street program, in millions $5
(c) Outcome: Number of film jobs created 14,000
(d) Output: Number of film projects 100
(2) Job creation and job
The purpose of the job creation
and job growth program is to produce new high-paying employment opportunities
for New Mexicans so they can increase their wealth and improve their quality of
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 836.8 836.8
(b) Contractual services 216.3 216.3
(c) Other 371.4 371.4
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 14.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Number of jobs created in
rural New Mexico by the job
creation and job growth program 2,860
(b) Outcome: Number of jobs created, out
of net new jobs created in New
Mexico, as a result of the job
creation and job growth
program 5,201
(c) Outcome: Percent of jobs created that
pay more than fifty percent
over the national minimum wage 100%
(d) Output: Number of companies
assisted by the industrial development
training program in rural areas 11
(e) Output: Number of companies
assisted by the industrial development
training program in urban areas 12
(f) Outcome: Dollar value of total New
Mexico exports to Mexico, in
millions $135
(g) Outcome: Dollar value of exports as a
result of the maquila supplier
program, in millions $10
(h) Outcome: Number of jobs created as a
result of the maquila supplier
program 50
(i) Output: Percent of industrial
development training funds expended
in rural areas 40%
(3) Technology
The purpose of the technology
commercialization program is to increase the start-up, relocation, and growth
of technology-based business in New Mexico so the citizens of New Mexico may
have opportunities for high-paying jobs.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 525.0 525.0
(b) Contractual services 167.5 167.5
(c) Other 133.8 133.8
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 9.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Number of high-technology
jobs created as a result of the
technology commercialization program 120
(b) Outcome: Number of New Mexico 9000
customers that are ISO 9000
certified 3
(4) Program support:
The purpose of program support
is to provide central direction to agency management processes and fiscal
support to agency programs to ensure consistency, continuity and legal
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,273.7 1,273.7
(b) Contractual services 68.3 68.3
(c) Other 486.5 486.5
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 24.00 Permanent
The general fund appropriation
to program support of the economic development department includes thirty
thousand dollars ($30,000) to continue an e-commerce initiative to increase
sales and the visibility of New Mexico products on the internet.
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Number of impressions
generated by the "New Mexico Next"
advertising campaign, in millions 8
Subtotal 6,013.5
(1) Construction industries and
manufactured housing:
The purpose of the construction
industries and manufactured housing program is to provide code compliance
oversight; issue licenses, permits and citations to industry professionals;
perform inspections; administer exams; process complaints; and enforce laws,
rules and regulations relating to general construction and manufactured housing
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 5,337.4 89.7 5,427.1
(b) Contractual services 75.0 75.0 150.0
(c) Other 1,360.1 58.4 1,418.5
(d) Other financing uses 2.1
.1 2.2
Authorized FTE: 106.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Efficiency: Percent of permitted
manufactured housing projects inspected 75%
(2) Financial institutions and
The purpose of the financial
institutions and securities program is to issue charters and licenses; perform
examinations; investigate complaints; enforce laws, rules and regulations; and
promote investor protection and confidence so that capital formation is
maximized and a secure financial infrastructure is available to support
economic development.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 2,113.7 2,113.7
(b) Contractual services 70.5 70.5
(c) Other 349.7 16.9 366.6
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 39.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Efficiency: Average number of days to
resolve a financial institution's
complaint 15
(b) Efficiency: Average number of days to
resolve a securities complaint 511
(3) Alcohol and gaming:
The purpose of the alcohol and
gaming program is to license qualified people and, in cooperation with the
department of public safety, to enforce the Liquor Control Act and the Bingo
and Raffle Act to ensure the sale, service and public consumption of alcoholic
beverages and the holding, operating and conducting of games of chance are
regulated to protect the health, safety and welfare of citizens of and visitors
to New Mexico.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 686.3 96.0 782.3
(b) Other 167.3 167.3
(c) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 14.00 Permanent; 2.00 Term
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Number of days to process a
license application that
requires a hearing 138
(4) Program support:
The purpose of program support
is to provide leadership and centralized direction, financial management,
information systems support and human resources support for all agency
organizations in compliance with governing regulations, statutes and procedures
so they can license qualified applicants, verify compliance with statutes and
resolve or mediate consumer complaints.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,490.6 455.1 1,945.7
(b) Contractual services 22.2 22.2 44.4
(c) Other 293.2 193.8 487.0
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 33.20 Permanent
(5) New Mexico state board of
public accountancy:
The purpose of the New Mexico
state board of public accountancy program is to protect the public by ensuring
licensed professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through
efficient licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 227.3 227.3
(b) Contractual services 68.0 68.0
(c) Other 155.6 155.6
(d) Other financing uses 23.0 23.0
Authorized FTE: 5.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 5
(6) Board of acupuncture and
oriental medicine:
The purpose of the board of
acupuncture and oriental medicine program is to protect the public by ensuring
licensed professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through
efficient licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 48.9 48.9
(b) Contractual services 69.9 69.9
(c) Other 32.4 32.4
(d) Other financing uses 15.7 15.7
Authorized FTE: 1.00 Permanent
(7) New Mexico athletic
The purpose of the New Mexico
athletic commission program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 80.0 80.0
(b) Contractual services 11.0 11.0
(c) Other 45.6 45.6
(d) Other financing uses 17.3 17.3
Authorized FTE: 1.80 Permanent
(8) Athletic trainer practice
The purpose of the athletic
trainer practice board program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 13.5 13.5
(b) Contractual services
(c) Other 4.3 4.3
(d) Other financing uses 2.7 2.7
Authorized FTE: .20 Permanent
(9) Board of barbers and
The purpose of the board of
barbers and cosmetology program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 259.3 259.3
(b) Contractual services 49.5 49.5
(c) Other 158.0 158.0
(d) Other financing uses 70.8 70.8
Authorized FTE: 7.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 10
(10) Chiropractic board:
The purpose of the chiropractic
board program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed professionals are
qualified to practice in the profession through efficient licensing compliance
and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 68.7 68.7
(b) Contractual services 7.1 7.1
(c) Other 48.0 48.0
(d) Other financing uses 14.4 14.4
Authorized FTE: 1.40 Permanent
(11) Counseling and therapy
practice board:
The purpose of the counseling
and therapy practice board program is to protect the public by ensuring
licensed professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through
efficient licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 216.1 216.1
(b) Contractual services 27.6 27.6
(c) Other 103.9 103.9
(d) Other financing uses 49.6 49.6
Authorized FTE: 5.00 Permanent
(12) New Mexico board of dental
The purpose of the New Mexico
board of dental health care program is to protect the public by ensuring
licensed professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through
efficient licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 143.6 143.6
(b) Contractual services 46.3 46.3
(c) Other 85.0 85.0
(d) Other financing uses 35.2 35.2
Authorized FTE: 3.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 30
(13) Interior design board:
The purpose of the interior
design board program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 15.3 15.3
(b) Contractual services
(c) Other 12.9 12.9
(d) Other financing uses 3.7 3.7
Authorized FTE: .30 Permanent
(14) Board of landscape
The purpose of the board of
landscape architects program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 16.6 16.6
(b) Contractual services 2.3 2.3
(c) Other 15.1 15.1
(d) Other financing uses 3.5 3.5
Authorized FTE: .30 Permanent
(15) Board of massage therapy:
The purpose of the board of
massage therapy program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 100.9 100.9
(b) Contractual services 15.5 15.5
(c) Other 55.8 55.8
(d) Other financing uses 21.9 21.9
Authorized FTE: 2.15 Permanent
(16) Board of nursing home
The purpose of the board of nursing
home administrators program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 27.9 27.9
(b) Contractual services
(c) Other 8.0 8.0
(d) Other financing uses 5.7 5.7
Authorized FTE: .55 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 5
(17) Nutrition and dietetics
practice board:
The purpose of the nutrition
and dietetics practice board program is to protect the public by ensuring
licensed professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through
efficient licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 12.7 12.7
(b) Contractual services
(c) Other 8.2 8.2
(d) Other financing uses 2.7 2.7
Authorized FTE: .20 Permanent
(18) Board of examiners for
occupational therapy:
The purpose of the board of
examiners for the occupational therapy program is to protect the public by
ensuring licensed professionals are qualified to practice in the profession
through efficient licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 33.1 33.1
(b) Contractual services 1.2 1.2
(c) Other 20.8 20.8
(d) Other financing uses 8.3 8.3
Authorized FTE: .60 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 5
(19) Board of optometry:
The purpose of the board of
optometry program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed professionals
are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient licensing
compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 36.5 36.5
(b) Contractual services 15.2 15.2
(c) Other 15.3 15.3
(d) Other financing uses 9.8 9.8
Authorized FTE: .70 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 4
(20) Board of osteopathic
medical examiners:
The purpose of the board of
osteopathic medical examiners program is to protect the public by ensuring
licensed professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through
efficient licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 23.2 23.2
(b) Contractual services 5.0 5.0
(c) Other 25.1 25.1
(d) Other financing uses 6.1 6.1
Authorized FTE: .45 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 60
(21) Board of pharmacy:
The purpose of the board of
pharmacy program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed professionals
are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient licensing
compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 835.5 835.5
(b) Contractual services 23.5 23.5
(c) Other 296.0 296.0
(d) Other financing uses 89.2 89.2
Authorized FTE: 12.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 3
(22) Physical therapist
licensing board:
The purpose of the physical
therapist licensing board program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 72.9 72.9
(b) Contractual services 2.0 2.0
(c) Other 34.6 34.6
(d) Other financing uses 15.8 15.8
Authorized FTE: 1.40 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 5
(23) Board of podiatry:
The purpose of the board of
podiatry program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed professionals
are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient licensing
compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 13.0 13.0
(b) Contractual services 2.5 2.5
(c) Other 10.6 10.6
(d) Other financing uses 2.9 2.9
Authorized FTE: .25 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 60
(24) Advisory board of private
investigators and polygraphers:
The purpose of the advisory
board of private investigators and polygraphers program is to protect the
public by ensuring licensed professionals are qualified to practice in the profession
through efficient licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 74.1 74.1
(b) Contractual services 3.0 3.0
(c) Other 34.6 34.6
(d) Other financing uses 18.1 18.1
Authorized FTE: 1.50 Permanent
(25) New Mexico state board of
psychologist examiners:
The purpose of the New Mexico
state board of psychologist examiners program is to protect the public by
ensuring licensed professionals are qualified to practice in the profession
through efficient licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 75.5 75.5
(b) Contractual services 11.0 11.0
(c) Other 52.4 52.4
(d) Other financing uses 18.3 18.3
Authorized FTE: 1.45 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 120
(26) Real estate appraisers
The purpose of the real estate
appraisers board program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 90.8 90.8
(b) Contractual services 9.0 9.0
(c) Other 32.2 32.2
(d) Other financing uses 18.4 18.4
Authorized FTE: 1.50 Permanent; .50 Term
(27) New Mexico real estate
The purpose of the New Mexico
real estate commission program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 448.4 448.4
(b) Contractual services 170.3 170.3
(c) Other 225.3 225.3
(d) Other financing uses 67.0 67.0
Authorized FTE: 9.80 Permanent
(28) Advisory board of
respiratory care:
The purpose of the advisory
board of respiratory care program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 34.0 34.0
(b) Other 13.9 13.9
(c) Other financing uses 8.0 8.0
Authorized FTE: .75 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 5
(29) Board of social work
The purpose of the board of
social work examiners program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 148.4 148.4
(b) Contractual services 33.0 33.0
(c) Other 85.5 85.5
(d) Other financing uses 34.2 34.2
Authorized FTE: 3.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Output: Average number of days to
process and produce licenses to
applicants 5
(30) Speech language pathology,
audiology and hearing aid dispensing practices:
The purpose of the speech,
language, pathology, audiology and hearing aid dispensing practices program is
to protect the public by ensuring licensed professionals are qualified to
practice in the profession through efficient licensing compliance and
regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 77.8 77.8
(b) Contractual services 2.0 2.0
(c) Other 22.5 22.5
(d) Other financing uses 15.9 15.9
Authorized FTE: 1.80 Permanent
(31) Board of thanatopractice:
The purpose of the board of
thanatopractice program is to protect the public by ensuring licensed
professionals are qualified to practice in the profession through efficient
licensing compliance and regulatory services.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 36.9 36.9
(b) Contractual services 18.0 18.0
(c) Other 43.0 43.0
(d) Other financing uses 11.8 11.8
Authorized FTE: .85 Permanent
Subtotal 19,036.5
(1) Policy and regulation:
The purpose of the policy and
regulation program is to fulfill the constitutional and legislative mandates
regarding regulated industries through rulemaking, adjudications and policy
initiatives to ensure the provision of adequate and reliable services at fair,
just and reasonable rates so the interests of the consumers and regulated
industries are balanced to promote and protect the public interest.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 8,403.3 1,041.4 9,444.7
(b) Contractual services 333.5 289.4 145.0 767.9
(c) Other 1,159.6 662.3 1,821.9
(d) Other financing uses 4.2 190.4 194.6
Authorized FTE: 173.00 Permanent
The other state funds
appropriations to the policy and regulation program of the public regulation
commission include three hundred fifty-three thousand three hundred dollars
($353,300) from the title insurance maintenance fund, one million one hundred
fifty thousand two hundred dollars ($1,150,200) from the insurance fraud fund,
fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) from the insurance examination fund and one
hundred thirty thousand dollars ($130,000) from the insurance licensee
continuing education fund.
The internal service funds/interagency
transfers appropriations to the policy and regulation program of the public
regulation commission include one hundred forty-five thousand dollars
($145,000) from the patient's compensation fund.
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Total dollars saved by
consumers as a result of approved
rates and requested rates by
regulated entities in the
electric, natural gas, water
and wastewater,
telecommunication and
transportation industries, in
thousands $22,275.0
(b) Outcome: Dollar amount of credits and
refunds obtained for New
Mexico consumers through
complaint resolution
(c) Outcome: Average cost of electricity
per kilowatt hour in New Mexico
for residential customers as a
percentage of the national
average, including
transportation costs 103.5%
(d) Outcome: Average cost of electricity
per kilowatt hour in New Mexico
for commercial customers as a
percentage of the national
average, including
transportation costs 94.4%
(e) Outcome: Average monthly cost of
basic telephone service for
commercial customers as a
percentage of the national average 103.4%
(f) Outcome: Average monthly cost of
basic telephone service for
residential customers as a
percentage of the national
average 79.4%
(g) Outcome: Percent of reported
telecommunications fraud cases resolved 95%
(2) Public safety:
The purpose of the public
safety program is to provide services and resources to the appropriate entities
to enhance their ability to protect the public from fire and pipeline hazards
and other risks as assigned to the public regulation commission.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 222.1 1,607.4 95.0 1,924.5
(b) Contractual services 3.5 77.0 5.0 85.5
(c) Other 74.2 705.4 49.5 829.1
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 41.00 Permanent
The internal service
funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the public safety program of the
public regulation commission include one million three hundred twenty-nine
thousand six hundred dollars ($1,329,600) for the office of the state fire marshal
from the fire protection fund.
The internal service funds/interagency
transfers appropriations to the public safety program of the public regulation
commission include one million sixty thousand six hundred dollars ($1,060,600)
for the firefighter training academy from the fire protection fund.
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of statewide fire
districts with insurance services
office rating of eight or
better 60%
(b) Output: Number of inspections
and audit hours performed by the
state fire marshal's office and
pipeline safety bureau 15,869
(c) Output: Number of training
contact hours delivered by the state
fire marshal's office, state
firefighter training academy,
and pipeline safety bureau 92,914
(d) Output: Number of personnel
completing training through the state
firefighter training academy 2,646
(3) Program support:
The purpose of program support
is to provide administrative support and direction to ensure consistency,
compliance, financial integrity and fulfillment of the agency mission.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 1,880.0 200.0 2,080.0
(b) Contractual services 10.9 10.9
(c) Other 380.1 205.0 585.1
(d) Other financing uses 1.1 1.1
Authorized FTE: 52.00 Permanent
The internal service
funds/interagency transfers appropriations to program support of the public
regulation commission include seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) from the
insurance fraud fund, two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) from the fire
protection fund and eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) from the patient’s compensation fund.
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of information
technology projects completed within
timeframe and budget referenced
in the information
technology project plan 100%
(b) Outcome: Percent reduction of the
general services department
information systems division
costs and services 15%
(4) Patient's compensation
(a) Contractual services 215.0 215.0
(b) Other 10,042.7 10,042.7
(c) Other financing uses 225.0 225.0
Subtotal 28,228.4
(1) Licensing and
The purpose of the licensing
and certification program is to provide regulation and licensure to medical
doctors, physician assistants and anesthesiologist assistants to ensure
competent and ethical medical care to consumers.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 519.1 519.1
(b) Contractual services 257.6 257.6
(c) Other 154.7 154.7
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 10.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Number of days to issue a
physician license 0
Subtotal 931.6
(1) Licensing and
The purpose of the licensing
and certification program is to provide regulations, education and training
programs to nurses, hemodialysis technicians and medication aides so they can
provide competent and professional healthcare services to consumers.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 492.1 492.1
(b) Contractual services 155.2 155.2
(c) Other 303.5 303.5
(d) Other financing uses
Authorized FTE: 10.00 Permanent
Performance Measures:
(a) Outcome: Number of days to issue a
nurse license 0
Subtotal 951.0
(1) State fair:
The purpose of the state fair
program is to promote the New Mexico state fair as a year-round operation with
venues, events and facilities that provide for greater use of the assets of the
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 5,581.5 5,581.5
(b) Contractual services 3,690.0 3,690.0
(c) Other 4,491.2 4,491.2