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F I S C A L   I M P A C T   R E P O R T













Advanced Placement Program







L. Baca




Appropriation Contained

Estimated Additional Impact


or Non-Rec












See Narrative



(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)


Duplicates SB 61

Relates to HB 7


Relates to Appropriation for New Mexico Highlands University in the General Appropriation Act (SB 2)




Responses Received From


Commission on Higher Education (CHE)

State Department of Education (SDE)




   Synopsis of HAFC Amendments


The amendments adopted by the House Appropriation and Finance Committee strike the appropriation and all language related to it including the HEC amendment that would have made the appropriation non-reverting.  The general appropriation act currently includes $581.6 for this program.


    Synopsis of HEC Amendment


The amendment adopted by HEC strikes the reversion requirement of unexpended or unencumbered funds.





     Synopsis of Original Bill


House Bill 185 creates the Advanced Placement Development Fund in the State Treasury and appropriates $1 million from the general fund to the State Treasury for that fund, on a non-reverting basis.  The fund is created for the purpose of training public school teachers in grades 6-12 to instruct Advanced Placement (AP) courses and to develop curricula to prepare students for pre-advanced placement and advanced placement courses.  The fund will be administered by the State Department of Education (SDE) in response to competitive proposals from the school districts, and awarded on a voucher system by the SDE.  The application, reporting, and evaluation components will be collaboratively developed by the SDE, the Commission on Higher Education (CHE) and New Mexico Highlands University (NMHU).  The criteria for the application will be reviewed annually to ensure that instructional strategies are based on scientifically based research modes for implementing AP courses. The SDE will provide technical assistance and monitor the program.


     Significant Issues


The SDE reports that the AP Program is a cooperative educational endeavor between secondary schools and colleges and universities. Since its inception in 1955, the program has provided motivated high school students with the opportunity to take college-level courses in a high school setting. Students who participate in the program gain college-level skills and may also earn college credit while they are still in high school.   The College Board records indicate that students who enroll in AP courses tend to perform significantly better in higher education than students who did not take AP courses.


In addition to providing more intensive learning opportunities for students, the AP program provides professional development for teachers, a key factor in improving the effectiveness of instructors.




HB 185 appropriates $1,000.0 from the general fund to the Advanced Placement Program development Fund in the State Treasury Department for use in FY 04 and subsequent fiscal years.  Any unexpended or unencumbered balance at the end of a fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund.


This bill creates a new fund and provides for continuing appropriations.  The LFC objects to including continuing appropriation language in the statutory provisions for newly created funds.  Earmarking reduces the ability of the legislature to establish spending priorities.






HB 185 duplicates SB 61, Advanced Placement Program Expansion.

HB 185 relates to HB 7 and SB 2, which appropriate $301,100 (including 2 % compensation) to New Mexico Highlands University for the administration of the AP program. 
