February 12, 2006



SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___3___ toSENATE BILL 317, as amended


Amendment sponsored by Senator



    1. Strike Senate Judiciary Committee Amendment 1.


    2. On page 8, line 25, strike "The" and insert in lieu thereof "Subject to the requirement of Section 5 of the New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority Act, the".


    3. On page 13, line 7, after the paragraph designator "(4)" insert "subject to the requirement of Section 5 of the New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority Act and".


    4. On page 15, between lines 9 and 10, insert the following new section:


    "Section 5. [NEW MATERIAL] LEGISLATIVE AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED.--The authority shall not enter into any project, issue any bonds or otherwise borrow money unless the legislature, by law, has specifically authorized the authority to enter into the project, issue bonds or otherwise borrow money.".


    5. On page 15, line 12, strike "The" and insert in lieu thereof "Subject to the requirement of Section 5 of the New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority Act, the".


    6. Renumber all sections to correspond with these amendments.













Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)



                  Date _________________