January 24, 2008




Mr. Speaker:


    Your EDUCATION COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred




has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:


    1. On page 4, between lines 9 and 10, insert the following new paragraph:


                "(3) provide assistance to a New Mexico tribal college to:


                     (a) plan and conduct semiannual government-to-government meetings;


                     (b) appoint a liaison to the Indian education advisory council;


                     (c) develop or identify an appropriate post-secondary investment system; and


                     (d) provide recommendations on capital outlay and other funding mechanisms;".


     2. Renumber the succeeding paragraphs accordingly.


     3. On page 4, line 10, strike "and" and insert in lieu thereof a comma, and on line 11, after "implement", insert "and assess".


     4. On page 5, line 18, strike "a biannual" and insert in lieu thereof "an annual".


     5. On page 5, line 22, after "status", insert "and progress".


     6. On page 8, line 4, strike "Nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "Eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000)".


     7. On page 8, lines 7 and 8, after "for", strike "projects funded in accordance with" and insert in lieu thereof "assessment, data collection and student success to implement".


     8. On page 8, line 11, strike "One hundred thousand dollars ($100,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000)".,


and thence referred to the APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCE COMMITTEE.                            

                             Respectfully submitted,





Rick Miera, Chairman



Adopted     Not Adopted

           (Chief Clerk)                            (Chief Clerk)





The roll call vote was 11 For 0 Against

Yes:      11

No:       0

Excused:  Espinoza

Absent:   None




