September 22, 2011





Amendment sponsored by Senator Timothy M. Keller



    1. On page 12, line 24, strike "taxation and revenue department" and insert in lieu thereof "state".


    2. On page 13, line 5, strike "taxation and revenue department" and insert in lieu thereof "state".


    3. On page 13, line 14, after "leased", insert "real".


    4. On page 13, line 15, after "purchased", insert "real".


    5. On page 13, line 18, after "business", insert "or was eligible for certification, the business" and strike "that".


    6. On page 13, line 23, after "enterprise", strike the remainder of the line and strike line 24 up to the period.


    7. On page 14, lines 10 and 11, strike "taxation and revenue department" and insert in lieu thereof "state".


    8. On page 14, line 19, strike "taxation and revenue department" and insert in lieu thereof "state".


    9. On page 15, line 3, after "leased", insert "real".


    10. On page 15, line 4, after "purchased", insert "real".


    11. On page 15, line 7, after "contractor", insert "or was eligible for certification, the contractor" and strike "that".


    12. On page 15, line 12, after "enterprise", strike the remainder of the line and strike line 13 up to the period.


    13. On page 17, between lines 5 and 6, insert a new subsection to read:


         "G. In a decision issued pursuant to Subsection E or F of this section, the taxation and revenue department shall state the reasons for the action taken and inform an aggrieved business or contractor of the right to judicial review of the determination pursuant to the provisions of Section 39-3-1.1 NMSA 1978.".


    14. Reletter the succeeding subsections accordingly.


    15. On page 17, line 23, strike "domestic business operations" and insert in lieu thereof "total domestic personnel".






                                      Timothy M. Keller




Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted _______________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)



                  Date _________________