March 12, 2015


HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___1__ to HOUSE BILL 53, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Representative Nora Espinoza

    1. On page 4, line 23, strike "this" and insert in lieu thereof "this".

    2. On page 4, between lines 24 and 25, insert the following new subsection:

         "B. A child shall not be taken into protective custody solely on the grounds that the child's parent, guardian or custodian refuses to consent to the administration of a psychotropic medication to the child.".

    3. Reletter the succeeding subsections.

    4. On page 5, line 13, after the period, insert an ending quotation mark.

    5. On page 5, lines 14 through 17, strike Subsection F in its entirety.


                                    Nora Espinoza

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________