February 13, 2020



Amendment sponsored by Representative Daymon Ely

    1. On page 1, line 13, strike the semicolon and insert in lieu thereof a period and strike line 14 in its entirety.

    2. On page 2, line 20, before "one", insert "except as provided in Subsection C of this section,".

    3. On page 3, lines 4 and 5, strike "nine hundred seventy-five dollars ($975)" and insert in lieu thereof "the current retail value of an ignition interlock device".

    4. On page 3, lines 5 and 6, strike "for replacement of the ignition interlock device".

    5. On page 3, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following:

         "C. Pursuant to a court order or an affidavit provided by the bureau-approved ignition interlock installer that installed the ignition interlock device, the department may reinstate the driver's license of a person who fails to return an ignition interlock device to the bureau-approved ignition interlock installer.".


    6. Reletter the succeeding subsections accordingly.

    7. On page 3, lines 18 and 19, strike "nine hundred seventy-five dollars ($975) for replacement of the" and insert in lieu thereof "the current retail value of an".

    8. On pages 4 through 7, strike Section 2 in its entirety.


                                    Daymon Ely

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________