March 18, 2021


HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENT number __1__ to  SENATE BILL 93, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Representative D. Wonda Johnson

    1. Strike Senate Finance Committee Amendments 1 through 6.

    2. On page 1, lines 13 and 14, strike "; MAKING AN APPROPRIATION".

    3. On page 2, line 11, strike "for", strike lines 12 through 15 in their entirety and on line 16, strike "establishes by rule" and insert in lieu thereof "established by the federal communications commission".

    4. On page 4, line 5, strike "and".

    5. On page 4, line 8, strike the period and insert in lieu thereof "; and".

    6. On page 4 between lines 8 and 9, insert the following new subparagraph:

                  "(c) the locations of broadband infrastructure currently owned or projected for construction by the state or local governments on a county-by-county basis.".

    7. On page 5, between lines 4 and 5, insert the following new subsection:

         "G. The broadband office shall implement the statewide broadband plan.".

    8. Reletter the succeeding subsections accordingly.

    9. On page 6, strike lines 8 through 23 in their entirety and insert in lieu thereof the following new subsections:

         "B. The broadband office may be the applicant for such funding assistance for all state agencies except the department of transportation.

         C. State agencies and public educational institutions shall coordinate with the broadband office concerning the purchase of broadband infrastructure and services with the goal of obtaining best-value or bulk pricing agreements where practicable.

         D. The broadband office shall coordinate with and may enter into memoranda of understanding with federal, local government, state and tribal government agencies to create an integrated system of permits, licenses and rules for broadband infrastructure across all governmental jurisdictions within each region of the state, including the creation of a centralized repository, and an expedited review process for rights of way use applications, with the goal of creating uniform coordinated permitting and licensing requirements statewide. The broadband office shall develop proposals for government agencies at the local, county and state levels to build and pay for broadband networks, upon request for such assistance.".


                                    D. Wonda Johnson

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________