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SPONSOR: Taylor, J.G. DATE TYPED: 02/23/99 HB 93/aHEC/aHAFC
SHORT TITLE: Education Works Act SB


Appropriation Contained
Estimated Additional Impact

or Non-Rec



FY99 FY2000 FY99 FY2000
$ 0.0

(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)

Relates to SB175 and SB2


LFC Files

Commission on Higher Education

Human Services Department analysis not provided


Synopsis of HAFC Amendment

The House Appropriations and Finance Committee amended House Bill 93 to strike the $2,000.0 appropriation and the language creating the Education Works Fund.

Significant Issues of HAFC Amendment

Funding for this program is included in SB2; however, no language is tied to the appropriation. Therefore, the Human Services Department will be responsible for promulgating the rules and regulations for the program. In order for the funds to be used in accordance with the Education Works Program, language will need to be added to SB2 designating such.

Synopsis of HEC Amendment

The House Education Committee amended House Bill 93 to make technical corrections. The amendments also change the scope of the program to be two years in length rather than the previously allowable four. Last, the amendments strike language that increases the cash benefit of participants not living in government subsidized housing or receiving government subsidized housing payments by one hundred dollars. The language is changed to reflect the amount received by participants under the New Mexico Works Act.

Synopsis of Bill

House Bill 93 creates the Education Works Act (Act) and appropriates $2.0 million from the general fund to the newly created Education Works Fund to provide cash assistance and services for participants. The appropriation is non-reverting and will count as maintenance of effort for the federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) block grant. House Bill 93 contains an emergency clause so the program may be started immediately.

House Bill 93 mirrors many aspects of the New Mexico Works Act (NMWA)-eligibility requirements and restrictions, financial standards of need, application processes, etc. This is purposefully done in order to provide a new service to participants of the NMWA. Because the NMWA requires participants to begin working as soon as they are determined work ready, education opportunities are limited. House Bill 93 will allow participants to continue to receive cash assistance and be exempted from the TANF work requirements. This further means participants' five-year clock under TANF will be stopped while they are participating in the Education Works program.

Significant Issues

House Bill 93 will provide the means for up to 400 participants to pursue a higher education degree to enhance the possibilities of them finding self-sustaining, full-time employment.

The Act requires participants to apply for financial aid and to spend a minimum of 20 hours per week in class, studying, working or volunteering for the first two years of their program. Furthermore, if the participant does not attend summer school, he or she must work at least 20 hours a week in paid employment.


House Bill 93 duplicates funding in Senate Bill 2 for the same program. Senate Bill 2, however, does not create the Education Works Fund, nor the Education Works Act. It simply appropriates $2.0 million to the Human Services Department to implement the same program.
