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SPONSOR: Payne DATE TYPED: 03/11/99 HB
SHORT TITLE: Teacher Reimbursement and Salary Increase SB 74/aSEC/aSFl#1
ANALYST: Fernandez


Appropriation Contained
Estimated Additional Impact

or Non-Rec



FY99 FY2000 FY99 FY2000
$ 0.0 $ 471.2 Recurring GF

(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)

Duplicates/Conflicts with/Companion to/Relates to SB73, HB16, HB115, SB158


State Department of Public Education (SDE)


Synopsis of SFl#1 Amendment

The Senate Floor amendment #1 strikes language which would have enacted a new section of the Public School Code to provide a 20 percent salary increase for teachers certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards; however, the amendment would allow teachers salaries to be increased by the provisions of Section 2. Section 2 was added in SEC amendment.

Synopsis of SEC Amendment

The Senate Education Committee amendment changes the provision which allows teachers to be reimbursed for the examination expense provided the teachers prepared for the examination on his own time with the exception of board-related, in-class requirements.

The amendment also strikes the original appropriation to SDE and includes a new section of the Public School Finance Act to recognize a new category and cost differential, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification, in the calculation of total program costs.

Synopsis of Bill

This bill enacts a new section of the Public School Code to provide a 20 percent salary increase for teachers certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) and contains a provision to reimburse teachers certified by NBPTS for the examination expense at a rate of two thousand dollars. In order to receive the salary increase and reimbursement for the examination, the teacher must successfully pass the exam and obtain certification by the NBPTS provided that the teacher prepared for the exam on his own time.

Significant Issues

This new category will generate three additional program units for school districts that employ teachers that have been certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. The additional units will then require funds which will be used to pay teachers that have been certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, a one-time salary differential. The amount of the salary differential must be equal to or greater than the number of program units (3) multiplied by the current unit value.

The number of program units for districts will be determined by multiplying the number of certified school instructors employed by the school district by three. SDE must verify the number of teachers who are certified by the national board for professional teaching standards. The additional units are not subject to multiplication by the district's training and experience index.

According to SDE, currently, 67 teachers in New Mexico are board certified, representing 15 school districts. The cost for the examination is $2,000.00.


According to SDE, 67 teachers are currently certified and based on the current unit value of $2,344.09, each NBPTS certified teacher would receive a one-time salary increase of $7,032.27 for a total cost of $471.2. SDE also indicates that the additional salary adjustment would not become part of a qualifying teacher's base salary. Teachers are required to maintain certification in order to receive the one-time salary increase.

According to SDE, this bill would require school districts to pay NBPTS teachers 20 percent more than their position on the district salary scale. Currently, 67 teachers are NBPTS certified and would qualify for a salary increase. Using an average teacher salary of $32,144, this bill would result in statewide expenditures of approximately $430.7 for the 1999-2000 school year.

According to the amended bill, teachers will qualify for a 20 percent salary increase plus a one-time increase of $7,032.27. The total cost to fund both provisions of the bill would be $901.9.


SDE indicates that the agency will need to develop time lines, eligibility requirements and perform other administrative duties.


House Bill 16 and Senate Bill 73 both appropriate $350.0 from the general fund to the State Department of Education for the purpose of recruiting and assisting qualified New Mexico teachers who wish to become certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS).

House Bill 115 and Senate Bill 158 both enact a new section of the Public School Finance Act to recognize a new category and cost differential and NBPTS certification, in the calculation of total program costs.
