Legislative Day: 2 Calendar Day: 01/28/2021Sent to HCPAC - Referrals: HCPAC/HENRC
Legislative Day: 4 Calendar Day: 02/16/2021HCPAC: Reported by committee with Do Not Pass but with a Do Pass recommendation on Committee Substitution
Legislative Day: 6 Calendar Day: 02/22/2021HENRC: Reported by committee with Do Not Pass but with a Do Pass recommendation on Committee Substitution
Legislative Day: 9 Calendar Day: 03/02/2021House of Representatives Floor Amendment
Legislative Day: 9 Calendar Day: 03/02/2021Passed in the House of Representatives - Y:39 N:31
Legislative Day: 11 Calendar Day: 03/03/2021Sent to STBTC - Referrals: STBTC/SFC
Legislative Day: 14 Calendar Day: 03/12/2021STBTC: Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation