Legislative Day: 4 Calendar Day: 01/31/2018Not Printed
Legislative Day: 6 Calendar Day: 02/08/2018HRC: Reported by committee with Do Not Pass but without recommendation on Committee Substitution
Legislative Day: 6 Calendar Day: 02/08/2018HZLM: Bill falls within the purview of a 30 day session and ordered printed
Legislative Day: 6 Calendar Day: 02/08/2018Referred to: HENRC
Legislative Day: 8 Calendar Day: 02/12/2018HENRC: Reported by committee with Do Not Pass but with a Do Pass recommendation on Committee Substitution as amended
Legislative Day: 8 Calendar Day: 02/12/2018Passed in the House of Representatives - Y:65 N:2
Legislative Day: 18 Calendar Day: 02/13/2018Sent to SCONC - Referrals: SCONC
Legislative Day: 20 Calendar Day: 02/15/2018Withdrawn from committee or daily calendar for subsequent action
Legislative Day: 20 Calendar Day: 02/15/2018Passed in the Senate - Y:40 N:0
Signed by Governor - Chapter 26 - Feb. 28