Legislative Day: 2Sent to HAGC - Referrals: HAGC/HTRC
Legislative Day: 16HAGC: Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation with amendment(s)
Legislative Day: 21HTRC: Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation with amendment(s)
Legislative Day: 23Passed in the House of Representatives - Y:47 N:20
Legislative Day: 21Sent to SCONC - Referrals: SCONC/SJC
Legislative Day: 30SCONC: Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation
Legislative Day: 41SJC: Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation with amendment(s)
Legislative Day: 45Passed in the Senate - Y:38 N:0
Legislative Day: 49House has concurred with Senate Amendments
Legislative Day: 50m/rcnsr concurrence adptd
Legislative Day: 50House has failed to concur in Senate Amendments on a House Bill
Legislative Day: 45Senate failed to recede from its amendments
Legislative Day: 45Sent to CC - Referrals: CC
Legislative Day: 52House Report Adopted
Legislative Day: 50Senate Report Adopted
Signed by Governor - Chapter 241 - Apr.7