Sent to SPREF - Referrals: SPREF
Legislative Day: 2 Calendar Day: 01/17/2018Sent to SCC - Referrals: SCC/SPAC/SFC
Legislative Day: 3 Calendar Day: 01/18/2018SCC: Reported by committee to fall within the purview of a 30 day session
Legislative Day: 5 Calendar Day: 01/24/2018SPAC: Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation with amendment(s)
Legislative Day: 12 Calendar Day: 02/07/2018SFC: Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation with amendment(s)
Legislative Day: 14 Calendar Day: 02/09/2018multiple floor amendments
Legislative Day: 14 Calendar Day: 02/09/2018Passed in the Senate - Y:31 N:8
Legislative Day: 6 Calendar Day: 02/09/2018Sent to HBIC - Referrals: HBIC/HTRC
Legislative Day: 8 Calendar Day: 02/13/2018HBIC: Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation
Legislative Day: 9 Calendar Day: 02/14/2018HTRC: Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation
Action Postponed Indefinitely