Please read and acknowledge the following terms and conditions to start your capital project request:
To be considered for funding, your request must be submitted through this website by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, December 13, 2024.
Completed requests will be transmitted electronically by the Legislative Council Service (LCS) to legislators. You can print a project summary sheet when your request is submitted that can be used to provide information about your request directly to potential sponsors. Use the LCS Web ID number and project title that are generated on your summary sheet when you submit your request to complete requests to the governor. A report showing all of the project requests that have been submitted by a given entity can be generated through the New Mexico Legislature's website at:
Capital assets must be owned by the state or a political subdivision of the state. If a capital asset will be leased to another organization, the fiscal agent for the project must submit documentation identifying the owner of the asset and certifying that the asset will be leased at fair market value and appropriately maintained. Documentation should be submitted to the LCS Capital Outlay Division when your project request is completed online. Sample wording for a documentation letter can be found on the LCS Capital Outlay Division web page at:
If the project is a local economic development project representing a public-private partnership under the Local Economic Development Act, a copy of the project participation agreement between the private entity and the applicable local or regional government should be submitted to the LCS Capital Outlay Division when your project request is completed online.
For a state agency to certify the need for the issuance of bonds for a given project, the agency must be reasonably certain that the project is sufficiently developed to obligate at least 5% of the bond proceeds within the first six months of the funding being made available and at least 85% of the bond proceeds within three years of the funding being made available. Note that funding that is appropriated for vehicle or equipment purchases is generally authorized for a two-year period and must be expended within that time.
Information collected to complete your project request, including project contact information, will be available for viewing online.