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Interim Committees
Legislative Education Study Committee
LESC Employment
Director of LESC
The Legislative Education Study Committee (LESC) is a permanent bipartisan, bicameral interim committee, composed of 31 legislators (10 voting and 21 advisory). The LESC conducts a continuing study of education in New Mexico,
including the laws governing such education, the policies and costs, and the training of certified teaching personnel in New Mexico’s post-secondary institutions. The LESC recommends funding levels for public education, changes
in laws relating to education, and reports its findings and recommendations.
Director of LESC | Job Description
Administrative Assistant
LESC is currently recruiting for an Administrative Assistant. The Administrative Assistant will provide a broad range of support services to staff and the committee, including formatting of publications and managing committee meetings.
Pleae see the job posting below for qualifications for administrative staff.
Administrative Assistant | Job Description